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“Who is the strange woman?”

Daniela Katzenberger had recently made no real secret of the fact that she was at the hairdresser’s. But the reality TV star did not want to reveal what his new hairstyle looks like for a long time. Late on Wednesday evening, the 34-year-old finally showed her followers with new hair and hair color.

“I know that you know … even if I politely tried to ignore your comments for weeks,” joked the “cat”, as her fans affectionately call her, in a first Instagram post on Wednesday evening. “I know it and you know it anyway, because you are just foxes.”

The makeover was a few months ago, she revealed, at that time the reality TV star was accompanied by the cameras of the RTL II station. The visit to the hairdresser on Wednesday was shown in the last double episode of “Daniela Katzenberger – Family happiness in Mallorca”. On Instagram, Katzenberger wrote about a photo in which she is holding her straw-blonde wig in her hand: “If you want to know how I look CURRENTLY, I’ll post it here on my page at 10 p.m. …”

And the reality TV star kept her word and published a photo with new, darker hair late in the evening: “Tadddaaa. And this is how I look NOW, “wrote Katzenberger. “It hasn’t gotten completely dark, but it’s also not so blond either.” Nevertheless, she must have asked herself in front of the mirror every day for two weeks: “Who is that strange woman there?!?” She had to get used to it first. “That I now have such a dark ‘frame’ around my face”.

Shortly thereafter, Katzenberger posted another before-and-after photo. She wrote: “From blondie sauerkraut to brownie super bride”, followed by two laughing emojis.

Your followers seem to like the new hairstyle: Within a few minutes, your post received more than 10,000 likes and numerous positive comments.

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