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Whether Germany’s main ruling party elects a new party chairman to become a candidate for prime minister is still unknown | Merkel-Finance News

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Original title: It is still unknown whether the new chairman of the main German ruling party will become the candidate for prime minister. Source: CCTV News Client

The national party congress of Germany’s main ruling party, the Christian Democratic Union (hereinafter referred to as the CDU) held elections on the 16th local time. In the end, the 59-year-old governor of North Rhine-Westphalia, Amin Raschelt, defeated the former Union party parliamentary group chairman Friedrich Mertz and the Bundestag foreign affairs committee chairman Norbert Lörtgen and was elected The new party chairman of the CDU.

In the morning of the same day, after the three candidates each delivered a 15-minute election speech, the 1,001 CDU representatives participating in the meeting began to vote online. In the first round of voting, none of the three won an absolute majority: Merz received 385 votes, Raschelt received 380 votes, and Rodgen received 224 votes. Thus, Mertz and Raschelt entered the second round of critical voting. On-site statistics show that Raschelt defeated Mertz, who won 466 votes, with 521 votes in this round. Although the CDU will also combine mailed ballots to confirm the final voting results on the 22nd, as the three candidates have made clear their positions before, they will recognize the results of online elections, and there is almost no possibility that the ballots will be reversed by mail. It is generally believed that Rashet has been formally elected as the new party chairman of the CDU.

△ Results of two rounds of voting in the 16th election

Rachelt has served as the governor of the German populous and industrial state of North Rhine-Westphalia since 2017. Among the three candidates, he is the closest to the political views of the former chairman of the CDU and German Chancellor Merkel. Favor. The German media regarded him as a moderate and evaluated him as “good at reaching consensus.” However, as the governor of North Rhine-Westphalia, the hardest-hit area of ​​the epidemic, Lashette was criticized for ineffective fight against the epidemic. Analysts pointed out that in terms of political strategy, Raschelt will continue to uphold Merkel’s policy, emphasizing social cohesion, advocating national unity, and taking tough measures against extreme right-wing forces. In addition, in terms of industry, he will be committed to promoting the development of energy and digital transformation.


Raschette wins election as chairman of the German ruling party

Merkel served as chairman of the CDU from 2000 to 2018, and has served as Chancellor of Germany since 2005. Three years ago, Merkel, who was in the fourth prime minister’s term, announced that she would give up re-election as chairman of the CDU and would not seek re-election as Federal Chancellor in the future. Subsequently, Kramp Karenbauer, who was supported by Merkel, was elected chairman of the party at the end of 2018 and was once considered a candidate for the next German Chancellor. However, in February 2020, Kramp-Karenbauer announced his resignation as party chairman due to the turmoil in the election of the governor of Thuringia. Since then, affected by the epidemic, the party congress to elect a new chairman has been postponed to this day.

It is worth mentioning that,The election of Raschette as the new party chairman does not mean that he will participate in the election for the next German Chancellor and become Merkel’s successor.In September this year, Germany will hold elections for the Bundestag. If nothing happens, the CDU will still maintain its position as the largest party in the parliament and can take the lead in forming a cabinet. According to past traditions, the party chairman of the CDU is generally the party’s candidate for prime minister.But right now, there are other highly competitive candidates in the coalition formed by the CDU and its sister party CDU, such asThe chairman of the German CSU is also the governor of Bavaria, Marcus Soder.He has the highest approval rating among the four prime minister candidates publicly discussed in recent polls, and he is rising rapidly. Most of the interviewed German people and supporters of the Coalition Party praised Soder’s strict epidemic prevention measures in Bavaria under his jurisdiction and his ability in crisis management during the fight against the epidemic.

△ Sodell's implementation of a strict anti-epidemic policy in the state is generally recognized by the public△ Sodell implements a strict anti-epidemic policy in the state Generally recognized by the public

  Another “seeded player” is the popular politician of Germany’s Federal Health Minister Span who is also able to deal with the new crown crisis.He has been ranked among the most popular politicians recently. At the end of last year, he even surpassed Merkel to win the polls. In the election for the chairman of the CDU party, he joined Lashet’s camp. Today, the election of Rachelt means that Span will become one of the vice-chairmen of the CDU. In view of the fact that his popularity has soared before the epidemic, many people are optimistic about his candidacy for prime minister.

△ Shi Pan appeared at the offline venue of the CDU party congress on the 16th△ Shi Pan appeared at the offline venue of the CDU party congress on the 16th

It is reported that the final candidate for the joint prime minister of the CDU and CSU will be decided in mid-March at the latest after the two local elections in Baden-Württemberg and Rhineland-Palatinate. . In other words, the election of the chairman of the CDU is just the prelude. Only if Raschelt, Soder and Spane can have the last laugh in the struggle for the power of the prime minister within the Coalition Party will it be possible to take over Merkel. Become the next new Chancellor of Germany. (Headquarters reporter Ruan Jiawen and Li Changhao)

  (Edited by Zhao Hanqing)

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