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Where in Breisgau is a sign made with the rainbow flag? – Denzlingen

Denzlingen hoists the flag

From Breisgau editorship

Sat, July 17, 2021 at 12:00 p.m.


BZ plus

Denzlingen hoists the rainbow flag in front of the town hall on Saturday, which stands for tolerance and sexual diversity. Churches and sports clubs in other communities in Breisgau are also setting standards.

The community of Denzlingen wants to set an example for tolerance and against the discrimination of sexual minorities. At the same time as Christopher Street Day in Freiburg, she is hoisting a rainbow flag in front of the town hall this Saturday. The action was preceded by a controversial debate in the local council. Churches, politicians and sports clubs in the Freiburg region are also dealing with the rainbow flag.
Denzlingen Council

The action in Denzlingen was initiated by local councilor Daniel Mannhardt (The Party), who, with the support of the green parliamentary group, made a corresponding application. Not everyone in the Council welcomed the idea. It is dangerous if the local council positions itself too politically, according to one opinion. At Christopher Street Day (CSD), the focus is on “shrill and obscene”. Demands made there such as the acceptance of multiple gender identities and the questioning of the traditional image of the family should not be supported by the community, another. In the end, however, a majority supported the action.
Mannhardt had expected headwinds, but not “such a detailed discussion,” he later told the BZ. “But I think it’s very positive that it was discussed so controversially, even if I can’t understand some of the arguments.” Let it be …

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