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When to induce labor: is it safe?


Inducing labor means causing, by artificial means, the onset of labor contractions by seeking a vaginal birth. It is a safe procedure and for which drugs are used.

In an interview with Infosalus, Dr. Mercedes Herrero, Gynecologist at Gine4 at HM Hospitales, remarks that the induction of labor is a medical strategy of “vital importance” to safeguard the health of newborns and mothers.

“Like all medical practice, it must be applied properly, weighing indication, risks and benefits. In addition, good information is important to women, who understand why,” says the specialist.

As you appreciate, although all future mothers must sign a consent, defends that the mother should be a participant in the decision, understand it and share it: “Knowing that if the delivery cannot be vaginal in the end, it is not a failure of motherhood. The important thing is that a pregnancy ends with a healthy newborn and mother” .

Specifically, this gynecologist details that it is usually necessary to induce labor in the following situations:

-. Maternal causes: some diseases of the pregnant woman can recommend that the pregnancy ends. Either to avoid complications caused by pregnancy, or to be able to start incompatible treatments with it.

.- Fetals: when fetal development is inadequate, and is known to improve outside the womb.

.- Pregnancy: if after a few days after week 40 there are no contractions or if the bag breaks.

Regarding the moment in which it is decided that it is time to induce labor, Dr. Mercedes Herrero maintains that everything depends on the reason that leads to it, pointing out that in most cases it will be when the fetus is full term. “In addition to the above reasons, there is elective induction, chosen by the patient and her doctor. It must meet safety criteria for both the newborn and the mother,” he adds.

The HM Hospitales expert explains that the induction of labor is convenient in the aforementioned cases because, if there is a problem, or the pregnancy is prolonged in excess, the risk of mortality and fetal damage increases.

The placenta is getting old, it may lose its ability to supply nutrients and oxygen. Maternal mortality has decreased greatly since deliveries are carried out in hospitals with health safety criteria, both for the fetus and for the mother, “he celebrates.


Herrero indicates in this sense that drugs are usually used when inducing labor: “Prostaglandins vaginally, since they soften the cervix and cause contractions, as well as Oxytocin, the hormone that produces contractions naturally. administered in a controlled manner, intravenously, what is often called ‘the drip’. It is important to note that a woman may have a line in her vein, and that only serums are administered to hydrate it. Having a serum on does not imply having medication. “

Regarding the risks that the induction of labor can entail, the Gine4 gynecologist at HM Hospitales points out in the first place the failure of the induction since, there are cases in which, despite the medications, the contractions are not able to produce the dilation of the cervix, or it may be the case that the fetus cannot descend through the birth canal, due to its size or placement.

It can also increase the rate of cesarean sections with induced deliveries: “It is logical, think that these are deliveries that have not started naturally, there may be previous conditions that make vaginal delivery difficult.”

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