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When Is Apple’s Foldable Phone Coming Out?

Foldable phones are the latest trend in the mobile industry, and many are wondering when Apple will release its own foldable phone. Even though Apple has not officially announced the release of a foldable phone, there have been rumours and speculation about when it might be coming out.

While we can’t say for sure when Apple’s foldable phone is going to come out, there are a few key pieces of information that can give us some semblance of a timeline. Let’s just jump right into it and talk about when Apple’s foldable phone is going to come out.

Insert image = Glasses Book Phone – Free photo on Pixabay

Foldable Phones Are Notoriously Hard To Develop

One of the main reasons why Apple hasn’t released a foldable phone yet is because the technology to produce foldable screens is still in its infancy. Foldable phones require a new type of screen technology which is still in development, and it’s not yet clear when the technology will be ready for mass production.

Additionally, foldable phones have been plagued by durability issues, and it’s likely that Apple wants to ensure that its foldable phone is strong enough to survive daily use before releasing it en masse. Even the top foldable phones still have shaky durability, and this is likely something that Apple wants to distance itself from with its foray into the market.

No matter if you just want to play at a live casino from the comfort of your own home or catch the latest football match on the train home, having a phone that is going to stand the test of time is of the utmost importance. This is something that Apple knows all too well.

Analysts Predict That We Will See Apple’s Foldable Phone Sometime This Year

The only real estimate we have for when we could see Apple’s foldable smartphone release is during 2023. That’s right; we might even be able to get our hands on Apple’s foldable phone as early as this year. These predictions come from expert analysts who are extremely knowledgeable about phone development timelines, as well as leaks from Apple employees.

However, before you get excited, it is important to remember that these predictions and leaks should not be taken as absolute truths. Even if said leaks and predictions are true, delays are commonplace within the industry, and we could easily see this phone being pushed back years if a pivotal issue were to arise. There is just no point speculating when anything could change.

To conclude; Apple has not officially announced the release of a foldable phone, and it’s not clear when the company plans to release one. The technology for foldable phones is still in its infancy, and it’s likely that Apple wants to ensure that its foldable phone can withstand the rigours of everyday use before releasing it.

Despite this, many analysts believe that Apple’s foldable phone is going to be released sometime this year. This is both due to leaks and statements from Apple employees, so there is some level of credibility to this sentiment.

Either way; we are just going to have to wait and see what Apple has in store for us. Depending on what comes to fruition, we might not ever see a foldable phone from Apple. Only time will tell.

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