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What to drink and eat before and after cardio training to maximize the result and without damage to the body

Today we will address the theme of perfect nutrition close to a specific physical activity. In detail, we will see what to drink and eat before and after cardio training to maximize the result and without damage to the body.

What is cardio training and what beneficial effects it brings

First of all, let’s understand what cardio training is.

This type of training includes all those activities and sports that have, as an immediate consequence, an increase in heart rate. They are free-body activities (walking, running, swimming) or with the help of tools, such as the bike, the elliptical, the rowing machine, the treadmill, the stepper.

The beneficial effects on the body mainly concern the cardiovascular system. By training this system, over time, blood vessels are better protected and the heart works better. Blood pressure and heart rate decrease. The lungs will also function better, resulting in an increase in respiratory volume and a greater supply of oxygen to the organs.

Mental concentration improves, the immune system is strengthened. Serotonin increases by preventing stress and depression, and in favor of calm and good mood. By consistently performing this type of exercise, there will be beneficial effects not only for health but also aesthetic. Type fat reduction, weight loss, muscle mass gain.

Let’s see what to drink and eat before and after cardio training to maximize the result and without damage to the body.

Full meal

Before this type of training, it would be desirable to have a full meal, at least three hours in advance.

The dishes of the meal must be simple and light and contain carbohydrates and proteins. Ideal would be a portion of rice or pasta or bread or quinoa, and a portion of eggs or milk or yogurt.

We drink during training. If this is long and intense and if it’s hot, we can also consider drinks with electrolytes. The latter, in fact, will have to be replenished because they are lost with urine and sweat. Their deficiency causes tiredness, fatigue, low blood pressure and a reduction in heartbeat. We can also prepare an ad hoc drink ourselves. In a (large) glass of water, the juice of 1 lemon, 1 tablespoon of honey, 1 teaspoon of magnesium and 1 pinch of salt.

Instead, to understand how much to drink at the end of the workout, you need to know how much fluids you have lost. This is possible by weighing yourself before and after physical activity. The integration of liquids, especially after a very intensive workout and if it is hot, can also include the inclusion of other mineral salts.

Here’s what to drink and eat before and after cardio training to maximize the result and without harm to the body

After 30 minutes of training you can eat a snack with two parts carbohydrates and one part protein.

To maximize the effect of fat burning, also to favor a possible weight loss, you can eat one hour after the end of the workout. The ideal meal could include three parts of whole carbohydrates and one part of protein. Finally, let’s not forget a generous portion of vegetables.

Finally, in the article mentioned here the link we illustrate whether it is more appropriate to run or walk to feel better.

(We remind you to carefully read the warnings regarding this article, which can be consulted who”)

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