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What should dogs not eat? Here are the foods that hurt him the most

Anyone who loves animals is always very careful to feed their furry friends in the correct way. Feeding them the right way is the easiest way to safeguard their health and promote their well-being, as well as their longevity.

Surely with dogs we share many happy moments and even at lunch and dinner we love to share our meal with them. However, it is not always the right idea: some foods that are absolutely harmless to humans are in fact considered harmful for our dogs and can even cause serious health problems.

Here are the foods that hurt him the most


We have often heard of the fact that cocoa and chocolate are bad for dogs and can be poisonous. This is because it contains the theobromine. It is a substance that could cause damage to the heart, kidneys and central nervous system in general. Dark chocolate is the most dangerous because it contains a high percentage of theobromine.

Sugar and confectionery

The dog’s body does not assimilate all sugars easily. While it digests common sugar quite well, it has more problems with the lactose (often contained in biscuits, sweets and snacks). Hence the “ban” that comes from veterinarians to give milk to our furry friends, as well as industrial sweets. So also the gelato it is considered a food at risk for our dog, as it is rich in lactose and sugars. The possible risks are: appearance of dental problems, diabetes and excessive weight gain. Even the desserts that we find in the supermarket sold as “sugar free” contain xylitol, which could cause liver damage.


Common walnuts and macadamia nuts that we often use as snacks can have a pleasant taste for dogs. But they are considered toxic as they contain a toxin that can cause symptoms such as weakness, vomiting, tremors and paralysis. Even 4 or 5 nuts could be toxic for a 10 kg dog.

Onions and garlic

They are foods present in almost all dishes intended for humans, but considered dangerous for dogs, as well as for cats. Their digestion can cause vomiting, diarrhea, and other gastrointestinal complications.

Cooked bones and ossicles

Dogs are always happy to have a bone in their teeth, ready to gnaw. But pay close attention to ossicles, especially chicken bones, which are the smallest and may cause digestive problems. The ossa crude they are considered manageable, while cooked ones risk breaking during chewing, exposing our four-legged friend to the danger of intestinal perforation. For this reason, vets always advise not to give dogs leftover bones from our meals, especially those of chicken and rabbit.

Savoury foods

Finally, also pay attention to foods that contain a lot of salt. Just like for man, excess salt it is not a healthy thing. Especially if the dog suffers from a cardiovascular disease. The ailments that excessive salt intake can bring to the dog are epileptic seizures that could also lead to coma and death. So pay attention to sausages which are often extremely salty. The lower consumption of salt is recommended to decrease the blood volume and thus lighten the work that our friend’s heart has to do.

Other foods considered harmful for dogs are:

  • Tomatoes, Potatoes and Eggplants
  • nutmeg
  • Avocado
  • Grapes and raisins
  • Alcohol and coffee

If your dog has eaten an excessive amount of these foods and has problems (such as seizures, lack of appetite, apathy, etc.) it is absolutely necessary to consult a veterinary.

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