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What she advises her in her career – eXtra.cz

The well-known pop wonder Dara Rolins (49) was lucky to have something that someone just can’t do. On the stage of the sold-out O2 arena, she played the role of Karel Gott († 80) and together with his daughter Charlotte Ella (16) sang the duet Zvonky štěstí, a well-known song, which she sang as a child alongside the Czech music icon. In an interview for eXtra.cz, the singer revealed what it was like for her to find herself back in the past and what advice she gave Gott’s daughter in the fight against fear.

She was for Karel

Slovak pop queen Dara Rolins in front of a sold out O2 arena she sang a duet with Charlotte Ella Gott, older daughter of Karel Gott. On stage, they edited the song Zvonky štěstí, which Dara sang with the famous Czech singer as a little girl. “It was weird for me because I was for the first time in my life under Charles I,” said the famous singer. “It was great because Karel seemed to be out there with us somewhere, and I think Charlotte did the job for the first time,” praised Rolins the elder of Ivana and Karel Gott’s daughters.

“Even though she was very afraid, we did it with honor,” revealed the famous singer in an interview for eXtra.cz. Charlotte Gottová also received praise for her courage to sing in Slovak. “I told her not to worry about it at all. I think she will be forgiven for everything, everyone knows that she is not Slovak, and even the minor mistakes that, of course, appeared in that pronunciation, it doesn’t matter at all, at all, “ said Dara, who became famous for a joint duet with the divine Kája when she was a little girl.

“The look is obvious there, of course, although she’s much prettier than the girls are, of course, but she inherited the nice things from him, has his charm, and grows into a beautiful young woman,” she said of Charlotte.

Advice from a professional

“I don’t know if Charlotte wants to be a show business star.” the singer asked if she wouldn’t want to sing a duet with Charlotte as well as her father used to do with her. “Today we struggled a bit with tremor and such respect for the big space and the stage in general. It’s up to her now, if she wants to go in that direction at all, so everything else is too … we’d skip the long road that she is waiting for her and has her in front of her, ” added the seasoned star of Czechoslovak show business.

As a professional, Dara gave 16-year-old Gott a tip to fight the fear. “The only way is to take a deep breath and say that the moment has come that can’t be reversed, you can’t back away from it, and you have to enjoy it.” supported Charlotte Dara Rolins. “Even if we go wrong there and whatever happens, I think this is Karl’s audience, it’s not the critics who came here to criticize or look for any mistakes, but on the contrary, they are here to remember Karel with a smile, consideration and a nice memory. ,Dara added, “according to which any mistake would be forgiven that evening, especially Charlotte.

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