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What is the meaning of Expo 2030 and what are the events and goals of this exhibition?

What is the meaning of Expo 2030 and what are the events and goals of this exhibition? The Expo is considered one of the global exhibitions that won the hosting for the year 2030 AD, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, which is scheduled to be held on October 1, 2030 AD, and will end on April 1, 2031 AD.

What is the meaning of Expo 2030?

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The Expo is considered one of the exhibitions that are held to display new innovations in many different areas of life. It is a huge event that is held every five years in a different city around the world, and representatives of governments, companies, and non-governmental organizations participate in it from all over the world.

It is worth noting that the Expo aims to display various human achievements in many different fields such as science, technology, engineering, arts, innovation and culture. It is also an opportunity for communication between many different cultures while enhancing understanding between countries.

The Expo attracts millions of visitors from many parts of the world, and it is noteworthy that there are many major cities around the world that hosted this great event. Among those cities is the city of London, which was the first capital to host this exhibition, and after it, the French bride, Paris, and among the cities is also Shanghai. And New York.

What are the events of Expo 2030?

By learning about the meaning of Expo 2030, we point out that the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia won to host the Expo 2030 AD under the slogan “The Era of Change: Together We Look to the Future.” It is noteworthy that the exhibition will be held from October 1, 2030 AD until April 1, 2031 AD in the capital, Riyadh.

It is worth noting that it is expected that this exhibition will attract more than twenty-five million visitors from all over the world. The exhibition will focus on important global issues, including sustainable development and climate change. It will also highlight Saudi culture and its ancient history.

Expo 2030 landmarks

After reviewing the meaning of Expo 2030, we point out that Expo 2030 will be displayed on an area of ​​5.3 square kilometers in the north of Riyadh, and that area will include many landmarks, including the following:

  • The World Gate, which is the main gate for the exhibition, has an area of ​​100,000 square metres. The gate will also include many artistic and cultural displays.
  • The International Square, which is the main square of the exhibition, has an area of ​​200 thousand square meters, and there will be many different cultural events and performances in the square.
  • Innovation Park that focuses on new innovations in many different fields.
  • The Museum of the Future, which works to focus on important global issues, including sustainable development and climate change.

Expo objectives

After reviewing the meaning of Expo 2030, we point out that the Expo aims to achieve many different goals, including the following:

  • Working to showcase human achievements in many different fields.
  • Contributing to encouraging innovation and scientific research.
  • Trying to enhance international cooperation through the exchange of ideas and knowledge.
  • Working to support economic and social development

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2023-12-05 08:58:01
#meaning #Expo #events #goals #exhibition

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