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What holiday is celebrated in Ukraine today – April 8, 2024

April 8 – what holiday is celebrated in Ukraine

On April 8, the world celebrates International Buddhism Day. The date of the holiday was chosen in honor of the birthday of Buddha Shakyamuni, who became the founder of this teaching. In Japan, the holiday is called the Flower Festival.

On April 8, many countries celebrate International Gypsy Day or International Roma Day. The holiday celebrates the culture of this people and raises awareness of the problems faced by Roma. On April 8, everyone has the opportunity to become better acquainted with the customs and traditions of the Roma, with their very colorful, cheerful, vibrant, original culture and try to better understand their history.

Also on April 8, millions of people around the world celebrate the Courage Festival, which fills life with energy and alertness. Traditionally, on this day people gather to support each other in demonstrating fortitude, courage and optimism. The symbols of the holiday are bright colors and luminous decorations. The holiday has become a symbol of the spring upsurge of spirit and the celebration of life in all its manifestations.

In addition, many countries celebrate International Feng Shui Day on April 8th. It is a system that studies the relationship between the visible and invisible world to achieve the positive influence of space on people. Feng Shui is an ancient science about how to live in harmony with the world, and harmony is, first of all, an equal exchange of energies between nature and man.

April 8 – what church holiday 2024

On this day, Orthodox Christians honor the memory of the holy apostles Herodion, Agave, Asinkrit, Rufus, Phlegon, Hermas and others, chosen by the Savior and sent to preach.

Saint Herodion was one of the 70 apostles chosen to preach. He converted many pagans and Jews to Christianity. One day they attacked the bishop, beat him and stabbed him, but the apostle remained unharmed and continued preaching with Peter. When the Apostle Peter was crucified, Herodion was also executed.

Saint Agave preached in different countries and converted many to Christianity. Rufus was a bishop in the Greek city of Thebes, Asinkritus – in Hyrcania, Phlegon – in Marathon (Thrace), Hermas – in Dalmatia. All the apostles suffered great suffering for serving Christ and died a martyr’s death.

April 8 – what not to do today

According to popular belief, on this day you should not:

  • walk in old and dirty clothes – it’s better to wear new ones,
  • throw away leftover food – it is better to give it to homeless animals,
  • borrowing sugar, salt and matches means trouble,

This day is considered unlucky for travel and long trips.

You should also avoid discussing money issues, sharing shopping plans, and revealing details about your income.

Today it is not recommended to do cleaning, go fishing or hunting and make far-reaching plans – all these things will not work out.

Lent 2024 continues: those who fast are prohibited from eating hot food with butter and are required to eat dry food.

April 8 – what is customary to do on this day

On this day, the saints are asked for help in making the right decision, finding consolation and peace, strengthening faith and strength, so as not to lose heart.

The day is considered very favorable for reconciliation. Today we also need to help those who are in need and give alms.

It is believed that if you make any promise on this day, then willy-nilly you will certainly fulfill it.

According to an old belief, if you dress nicely and neatly on this day, you will be happy all year.

April 8 is considered a good day for a wedding, as well as for the baptism of a child; it is believed that the baby will receive a heavenly blessing.

However, it is strongly recommended not to engage in handicrafts on this day.

April 8 – folk signs

On this day, nature indicated to people what the weather and harvest would be like in the near future:

  • fog spreads across the ground in the morning – there will be no rain until May;
  • a clear and bright day – to the confident arrival of warmth;
  • it rains – to a good grain harvest.

Our ancestors noticed that on this day our ancestors noticed that the weather was good on this day.

April 8 – who celebrates name day today

The name day on this day according to the new church calendar is celebrated by Martha, Rodion and Susanna.

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