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What can help if children rob parents of sleep?

Fürth. It makes you thin-skinned and irritable, exhausted and at times even aggressive: sleep deprivation actually feels like torture. Almost all parents get too little sleep at times or for a longer period of time. How do they deal with negative feelings and aggression when the child robs them of sleep – even if they know rationally that the little ones have no bad intentions behind them?

The obvious solution is the one that is not so easy to implement in everyday life: catching up on sleep. This is essential in order to recharge the batteries as well as possible: “This means that everything is not tidy or the laundry remains unwashed – the trappings shouldn’t be the most important thing,” says Dana Mundt. She is a social worker at Online advice the Federal Conference for Educational Advice.

Hire grandparents and babysitters

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Alternatively, parents can consider who they can hire in between: Are the children ready to be able to sleep with their grandparents for a night – if they are nearby? Can the partner step in? Or is there a babysitter who gives you some air during the day so you can lie down again?

If parents notice that they are becoming aggressive, for example because the child does not let you sleep again or does not want to brush your teeth, then these are important feelings that need to be taken seriously. “You can sometimes be angry with the child, get angry and communicate this,” says Mundt.

Anyone who comes into a situation where it is seething inside should go out briefly and take a deep breath. In the long term, mothers and fathers can also think about a cure that will bring them some relief.

Exchange with like-minded people

What also helps: look for fellow sufferers! “In my experience, it can be very relieving for parents, for example in group chat with other parents in order to get rid of their own frustration. Others often feel the same way. “

But anyone who notices that they can no longer cope with their anger at the child or at themselves should get help and support from outside, for example from parenting or family advice centers.

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