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Welcoming World Diabetes Day, Everyone Should Know How To Prevent Diabetes With These Two Ways – All Pages

Nakita.id – Moms, check again, how’s your blood sugar level lately?

Make sure Moms blood sugar is at normal levels.

For adults normal blood sugar is in the range of 90 to 120 mg/dl.

Don’t let your blood sugar levels get too high.

As we know, blood sugar levels that are too high can trigger diabetes.

Although high blood sugar levels are not necessarily diabetes, over time this will trigger the appearance of diabetes symptoms.

Did you know that diabetes is a disease that is of considerable concern to experts?

Launching from Statista, until 2019 there are at least 463 million people in the world who suffer from diabetes.

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In fact, from the data obtained by Center for Disease Control and Prevention, the death rate due to diabetes rose by 3.4 percent in 2020.

During this pandemic, diabetics must remain vigilant.

Because people with diabetes are one of the groups who are also vulnerable to Covid-19.

Not only that, diabetics will also experience a number of complications when exposed to Covid-19.

Therefore, the pandemic period is very challenging for people with diabetes.

Towards this world diabetes day, you must know how to prevent diabetes.

How to do it?

Before knowing healthy habits to prevent diabetes, you must first know what, the hell, which causes a person to develop diabetes?

according to Mayo Clinic, each type of diabetes has its own cause.

Gestational diabetes usually appears during pregnancy.

During pregnancy there are hormones that are produced and eventually make the body’s cells become resistant to insulin.

Women who are overweight during pregnancy are at risk for developing diabetes.

Meanwhile, type two diabetes is usually caused by an unhealthy lifestyle.

Type 2 diabetes has a high potential to attack someone who rarely exercises.

Though exercise is important to maintain body weight and fat content in the body.

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Excess fat in the body can cause body cells to become more resistant to insulin.

High blood pressure exceeding 140/90 mmHg is one of the causes of type 2 diabetes.

In addition, type 2 diabetes can also be caused by high cholesterol and triglycerides.

In addition to poor lifestyle factors, genetic factors are also one of the biggest causes of someone experiencing diabetes.

A person suffering from type 1 diabetes is caused by heredity.

Launching from Cleveland Clinic, the condition of a person’s blood sugar that tends to exceed normal levels is not necessarily diabetes.

This condition is also known as prediabetes.

Then, how to prevent diabetes?

Type 1 diabetes cannot be prevented.

However, you can prevent the emergence of type 2 diabetes, which can affect anyone regardless of age.

Here are good habits that you can do to prevent the emergence of type 2 diabetes:

1. Reduce sugar intake

At least every day, adults consume no more than 24 to 36 grams of sugar.

This means that at least an adult’s sugar intake should not exceed between 100 and 150 calories.

Make sure you have enough sugar intake every day at a predetermined level.

If you have been consuming excess sugar all this time, you should stop the habit from now on.

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Choose foods and drinks that have a natural sweet taste and are not artificial.

Increase consumption of fruit and reduce consumption of soft drinks.

Also reduce the intake of added sugars such as sugar, honey, and syrup slowly.

When eating processed foods, make sure to pay attention to the sugar content first.

Choose processed foods that do not contain added sugar.

Moms do not need to directly reduce foods with sugar content.

Reduce little by little the portion of food.

2. Consumption of foods that contain nutrients

Launching from Medical News TodayIf you want to avoid diabetes, eat foods that are high in fiber, protein, and healthy fats.

It would be better if Moms eat food in smaller portions.

When Moms have always been so fond of junk food which is sold in fast food restaurants, from now on you should not do this anymore.

Junk food very very rich in saturated fat content which can be a major cause of diabetes.

Reduce food portions and avoid junk food is the right way to avoid gestational diabetes.

3. Doing regular physical activity

Excess weight can be reduced by doing regular physical activity.

Losing weight 5 to 7 percent can reduce the risk of diabetes.

At least, do physical activity such as exercise 150 minutes every week.

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Enough with exercise and light physical activity Moms can reduce the risk of diabetes.

Here is a list of light exercises that can be done every day:

1. Healthy walk

2. Gardening

3. Swimming

With a healthy lifestyle, we can prevent the emergence of diabetes.

safe world diabetes day, yes, Mom.

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