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«We are sad, but we are trying to understand each other»

Giulia De Lellis e Andrea Damante they are still together. After the rumors of the past few weeks about an alleged departure between the two, it was De Lellis who broke the silence and explained how things really are with a series of stories about Instagram. I “Damellis“They are not going through an easy time, but Giulia is keen to clarify:« It is certainly a particular moment of our life, in which we are understanding. A lot of things have changed. We are both a little sad, even if we pretend nothing. We don’t really want to talk about it, because we want to understand each other first. I learned from my past that before doing something I have to take my time. “

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The influencer also managed to make his followers smile, joking about one of the most famous anecdotes of his book “The horns are good on everything”: «Before starting to give numbers, to go crazy, to read articles, to listen to str … ate various, look here, there is a completely intact Play Station. Andre’s walk-in closet and all his belongings are in place. ” Things between the “Damellis” are not going well, but this time the two seem ready to fight to overcome the natural difficulties that after a while come to the surface in every couple’s relationship.

Last updated: Wednesday 5 August 2020, 22:17


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