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We are good to get a lot of rewards


Hi, Mother! Lately, there are a lot of people meme about web series Kite Broken on social media. Not only creative, but also lots of funny and entertaining content.

The series, which was adopted from the novel by Mommy ASF, has become increasingly viral after episode 6 aired last weekend. The story is, Kinan (Putri Marino) bumps into her husband, Aris (Reza Rahadian), who has just returned from Cappadocia, Turkey.

Aris admitted that going to hot air balloon tours was a business matter. In fact, he is on vacation with his mistress, Lydia (Anya Geraldine). In the scene, Kinan was furious while revealing the evidence that Aris was cheating on him.

It was this scene that went viral. Especially Kinan’s dialogue, “You take him to Cappadocia. It’s my dream! Not her!”. Kinan, who is heavily pregnant, vented anger at Aris.

By the way, are you watching? Get excited? If it’s Bubun, I can’t wait to invite Kinan labrak Lydia. He he heee … Oh yeah, Bubun doesn’t just watch serials Kite Broken, but read the novel too.

Bubun is curious, wants to know the real story. Story in web series apparently different from the novel, even though the names of the characters are the same. In the book, Kinan and Aris have four children, all of whom are boys. Meanwhile in web series, the story is that Kinan is pregnant with their second child and their first child is a girl, Raya is her name.

The woman is a beautiful selebgram

After Bubun read the novel by Mommy ASF This, it turns out that there are so many stories that make geregean. porridge spill Again, there is no Lydia character in the book. Another woman Aris married was not named. He is only described as a beautiful celebgram, not a psychologist like in web series.

Throughout the story, Kinan always calls her ‘that woman’. Kinan’s profession is a veterinarian who lives in Malang, while in web series as a general practitioner in Jakarta. Before getting divorced and opening a veterinary clinic in Malang, Kinan lived with Aris in Bali.

In part six of the novel, Kinan tells, The woman once sent an apology to him. However, Kinan felt it was ambiguous and had a cornering tone. What did the woman say? Please read on the next page.

Also check out Mommy ASF’s outpouring of her heart, who was unable to pay for electricity, in the video below:

[Gambas:Video Haibunda]

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