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“We apparently have fertile sheep.” Interior

“We have never experienced this before,” says Baukje Pama in surprise. “Last year this sheep got four lambs. That is already exceptional. And when this year it turned out to be thicker than a normal pregnant sheep, we already assumed a good number of lambs. ”

It became five. Almost every year that happens somewhere but this year it was the turn of Sebaldeburen in Groningen. And Arjan, who has been keeping sheep for many years, has never seen it.

“It was really a surprise,” Baukje says laughing. “We apparently have really fertile sheep.” Sheep often get two lambs. Five of those little critters cause serious problems for the mother. “Mama of course only has two nipples. That’s why we have to raise these animals in the bottle. And later we also put these lambs aside, so that the mother can relax a bit. She will suffer a lot in the coming period. “

Red or purple ass

Incidentally, a normal period to get the first lambs is at the end of February. “It is just when you put the ewes and the rams back together,” says Baukje.

“We will start with this on 1 October and then the rams will wear a cover block under the belly. If the ewes then have a red or purple ass, we can calculate when they should be set aside in the spring. ”

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