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water and nutrients are limiting

… that “70% of production depends on the water circulating in the plant during the vegetative process”, was the first (iron) limitation mentioned in the last day of Fertilize, in which it was recognized that, at this point , one million fewer fertilizers have already been imported than last year. But the second determining factor was found on the side of nutrients, especially those that are fundamental for the plant to better resist setbacks such as drought, such as phosphorus and potassium which allow for improved root development and structure of the plant. And it is precisely here that lies the main dilemma that producers have to face in this campaign in which water, so far, shows rates well below average. The latest rains, in fact, have made it possible to trigger (delay) sowing, but do not change the general drought situation much as the profiles are still absolutely dry, general rains of 80-100 mm would be needed, and regular since then, for change the scenario, and that has not happened so far, nor is it expected to happen. Other significant data from Fertilizar’s presentation were that “today 70% of the lots are deficient in phosphorus” and “83% in zinc, an element that protects the plant from light through the opening and closing of the stomata”. But it has also been shown that potassium, in addition to the greater tolerance to water stress it provides, determines nothing less than growth. So far the fertilization campaign is 12% below the level of ’21 when, in total, 5.6 million tons were consumed, which if current conditions continue, could drop by about 20% to 4.5 million total tons. However, if the current drought conditions were reversed, the amount of fertilizers in the country would not be sufficient to cover the production needs. To achieve full supply (and potential total production), the government needs to make imports of the strategic input (fertilizer) more flexible. “Producers are waiting until the last moment to produce corn because it has better margins than soybeans, but time is running out,” acknowledged a specialist. The fact is that, in turn, more fertilizer is used in corn than in soybeans, and the volumes of this input are borderline.

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