Home » today » Sport » Was Atlético’s aim in opposition to Sport properly disallowed? Marcio Rezende analyzes the provide

Was Atlético’s aim in opposition to Sport properly disallowed? Marcio Rezende analyzes the provide

Arbitration reporter for ItalyMárcio Rezende de Freitas analyzed the disallowed aim by Paulinho, from Atléticowithin the match in opposition to Sports activitiesfor the third stage of Brazil Cup, this Wednesday (22). Referee Braulio de Silva Machado, after analyzing the video referee, gave away the aim scored within the tenth minute of the auxiliary part, when the sport was 1-0 in favor of Sport.

“He (referee) did not name a number of of those faults. A few contacts like this went on within the first half. The VAR calls him and corrects his perspective. The VAR is Rafael Traci from Santa Catarina. Normally he (Bráulio) doesn’t mark one of these transfer, within the VAR name he marked the foul”, he analyzed Márcio.

Paulinho took benefit of the restoration of the ball after the play involving Zaracho, Vargas and Domínguez. The quantity 10 carried the ball alone and completed from outdoors the world, into the nook of Spórs Caíque França goalkeeper.

The previous referee agreed that the foul was referred to as at the start of the play. For Márcio Rezende, Zaracho deceives Domínguez, however there’s a lack of standards because of a scarcity of reasoning.

“It was an issue. Zaracho is missing. There was a foul by Zaracho, nevertheless it was a transfer that he let go many instances within the first half,” he stated.

2024-05-23 00:32:00
#Atléticos #aim #Sport #disallowed #Marcio #Rezende #analyzes #provide

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