Home » today » News » Vravrona: Thriller with the dead baby – The head injury and the ELAS investigations – 2024-05-12 15:52:33

Vravrona: Thriller with the dead baby – The head injury and the ELAS investigations – 2024-05-12 15:52:33

The unfortunate baby was found inside a bag Vravrona and as it turned out he had a head injury. The critical question is whether the trauma was caused by human hands or whether it occurred after the infant was placed in the trash and transported by garbage truck to the landfill.

According to police officers who spoke to iEidesis, what they are investigating is “what kind of person could put a fetus in a bag and throw it in the garbage?”.

The 30-year-old mother, originally from Nepal, is under guard at the hospital, while the father remains in the EL.AS detention center. until further notice. The police are waiting to get their hands on the first results from the forensic examination, in order to decide on their criminal treatment.

Reports indicate that the facts so far result in very serious criminal responsibilities for the father, who appears on video throwing the bag (which later turned out to be the baby’s) in the garbage.

The companion’s confession

Initially, the 30-year-old from Nepal denied everything to the police stating that he has no idea about the incident and the fact that his partner miscarried or gave birth. Then, when he realized that the police have in their hands videos and evidence from the room, he “broke” and testified that his wife gave birth to the baby dead and that he threw it in the garbage because he was terrified of being in a foreign country that does not know the legal consequences of an out-of-hospital birth.

The questions that have not yet been answered are what caused the premature birth or miscarriage, why they did not go to the hospital in time, why they did not inform the authorities and why the 30-year-old threw the baby in the garbage. It is noted that according to estimates the fetus was four to five months old.

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