Home » today » World » Vravrona: The dead baby with blood and head trauma – 2024-05-11 08:29:12

Vravrona: The dead baby with blood and head trauma – 2024-05-11 08:29:12

The cleaners of the Markopoulos municipality were horrified by the dead baby they found in a landfill in Vravrona, among the garbage.

In particular, the fetus was found inside a bag, outside the trash bin at approximately 17:20 yesterday 10/5 with blood and head trauma.

  • She gave birth in the hotel

His mother, a Nepalese national, was reportedly 8 months pregnant and gave birth on Thursday in a hotel where the couple was staying, while she was taken to a public maternity hospital with bleeding, without the fetus. Doctors could not determine whether she had given birth or miscarried. Her husband reportedly told authorities that he did not know the woman was pregnant.

  • The father confessed

The Police, in a search of the hotel room, found that there was blood everywhere in the area.

The infant’s father, despite initially denying everything, eventually confessed and admitted that he threw the fetus in the trash, claiming it was stillborn. “I threw the baby in the trash. He was stillborn,” the father reportedly claimed.

  • The possible charges

However, the autopsy will show if the fetus was dead or alive and depending on the results, the couple will face the charge of homicide or not.

Both father and mother were hotel workers and lived in it. Everyone is talking, according to ERT, about a pair of soft tones.

  • The testimony of the deputy mayor

Speaking on the SKAI website, the deputy mayor for Environment, Cleanliness, Recycling, Circular Economy, Civil Protection and Sunlighting of the Municipality of Markopoulos Mesogaia said:

“I saw the child. Head compressed. His little hand was sticking out. In the blood. In the trash. According to experts, the one who killed the child was caught on camera. They threw it in the bin. We spent that time picking up trash, as we do every time. The Police warned us not to throw anything away. At first they told us they were looking for valuables, and then we learned it was a child. We found it in the bag, wrapped together with greens.”

#Vravrona #dead #baby #blood #trauma

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