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Vladimir Putin’s Video Link to School in Mariupol: First-Graders Pay Tribute to the Russian President

Vladimir Putin on a video link to the school in Mariupol, where the first-graders had to pay tribute to the Russian president. Photo: Kremlin website kremlin.ru

Russia razed most of the big city of Mariupol to the ground. Nevertheless, Russian TV showed a live propaganda show on Friday with Vladimir Putin and school children in the city.


Less than 10 minutes ago

Before the war, Mariupol was a completely ordinary city with around 450,000 inhabitants.

Already early in the war, the Russians had laid most of Mariupol in ruins.

In a large VG report in March, we referred to it as the “city of horror”.

1 September is always the first day of school in Russia, and on Friday there was the opening of a new school in Mariupol with room for 1,100 pupils. In Russian fashion, all the children had bouquets of flowers for their female teachers.

A first grader named Ivan had to thank Vladimir Putin for “caring” for them. Behind him stood the Russian-appointed leader of the Donetsk region, Denis Pushilin (42):

– I want to give you a big thank you for caring about my dear city of Mariupol, said the little boy to Putin – who participated by video link.

One of those reacting is the powerful adviser in the Ukrainian Ministry of Internal Affairs, Anton Gerashchenko:

– A child thanks Putin for the “liberated” Mariupol. Most of the schools in the city were razed to the ground. So many children and their families were killed, injured, driven out of town. Thugs, he signs X/Twitter.

On social media, several people are recalling the Russian attack on a theater in Mariupol on March 16, 2022. A Russian plane dropped a bomb on the theater, despite the fact that “Children” was written on the ground next to the building. It may be the single attack in the Ukraine war that has killed the most civilians. Perhaps 300 died. Perhaps 600. The exact number has never been known. Mariupol became a symbol of the horrors of war.

– I feel nauseous, writes the much-followed “Natalka”. X/Twitter.

MARIUPOL SCHOOL: From the first day of school at the school in Mariupol that Putin spoke to via video link. On the left in front of little Ivan, who thanked the president. Behind with a beard is the Russian installed leader in the region, Denis Pusjilin. Photo: STRINGER / EPA / NTB

This happens the day after the international premiere of the documentary film “20 days in Mariupol”, a harrowing account of the fate of civilians during the siege of the port city on the Sea of ​​Azov.

Ukraine’s National Resistance Movement claims that schoolchildren living in the Russian-occupied areas of Ukraine cannot enter school if they do not have Russian passports, reports Ukrainskaya Pravda. This has not been confirmed elsewhere.

President Vladimir Putin marked the first day of school in style. Among other things, he had “hours” with Russian schoolchildren and stated, among other things about the Second World War:

– We were completely invincible. And now we are too, said the president.

– Putin told the children fairy tales about the “invincible” Russia, states the Ukrainian news agency Union.


Published: 02.09.23 at 04:29

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2023-09-02 02:29:01
#Children #paid #tribute #Putin #city #horror

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