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Vladimir Putin’s Shaken Grip on Power: Fallout from the Failed Uprising

Former Russian diplomat warns of Putin’s damaged grip on power following failed coup

A former Russian diplomat who resigned from his U.N. post last year in protest of the war has claimed that Russian President Vladimir Putin’s hold on power has been significantly weakened by the recent failed coup attempt. Boris Bondarev, who made global news in May 2022 when he announced his opposition to the war and defected, spoke to Australia’s ABC TV in an interview on Monday. He expressed concerns for the safety of the failed coup’s leader, Yevgeny Prigozhin, despite a deal allowing him to flee to Belarus.

According to Bondarev, the failed coup damages Putin’s image as a decisive leader who can crush any opposition. He believes that Putin is likely to seek revenge against Prigozhin for the brief march towards Moscow. Bondarev also stated that Putin’s inner circle is shrinking and that most people inside the Kremlin do not support the war. He explained that Russian military leaders lack independent thinking, which Putin views as a threat to his rule.

Bondarev’s comments come as the Australian government unveiled a $75 million aid package for Ukraine, including military vehicles and humanitarian aid. Ukraine’s Armed Forces have also announced the liberation of the village of Rivnopil in the Donetsk region, marking the ninth settlement regained since the counteroffensive began. Additionally, Monday marks the one-year anniversary of Operation Interflex, a British-led training program that aims to train 30,000 Ukrainian recruits by the end of the year.

Meanwhile, Russian special services are investigating whether Western intelligence services were involved in the failed coup. Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov stated that there is no evidence of Western involvement but emphasized that the United States considers the situation an internal affair of the Russian Federation. Lavrov also revealed that U.S. Ambassador to Russia Lynn Tracy expressed concern for the safety of U.S. diplomats in Russia and the security of nuclear weapons.

The Russian opposition publication Meduza has reported that Prigozhin’s demands during negotiations with Kremlin officials were considered vague and strange. Prigozhin wanted Defense Minister Gen. Sergei Shoigu fired, autonomy over Wagner’s affairs, and more funding. However, after the armed rebellion, there was no longer a place for him in the system. Prigozhin reportedly attempted to call Putin on Saturday, but the president refused to speak with him. Meduza speculates that Prigozhin realized he had gone too far and that the support he expected from rank-and-file Russian soldiers did not materialize.

The failed coup attempt and its aftermath have raised questions about Putin’s grip on power and the stability of the Russian government. As the situation continues to unfold, the international community closely watches the developments in Russia and their potential implications for regional and global security.
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How do former diplomat Bondarev’s comments shed light on the internal dynamics of the Kremlin and suggest divisions within Putin’s ruling elite

Rnment expressed concerns about Russia’s actions and called for an independent investigation into the failed coup. Australian Foreign Minister Marise Payne stated that the events in Russia raised serious questions about Putin’s grip on power and his ability to maintain control.

The failed coup attempt, which saw a group of military officers attempt to march towards Moscow to oust Putin, has raised doubts about the strength of his leadership. Bondarev’s warning about Putin’s damaged grip on power aligns with the concerns expressed by the Australian government.

Furthermore, Bondarev’s comments shed light on the internal dynamics of the Kremlin. The shrinking inner circle and lack of support for the war among Putin’s team suggest divisions within his ruling elite. Bondarev also highlights Putin’s concern about independent thinking within the military, indicating a desire to maintain control over all aspects of the government.

The former diplomat’s remarks are significant as they offer insights into the potential ramifications of the failed coup. Bondarev’s resignation from his U.N. post in protest of the war demonstrates his credibility and his firsthand experience with Putin’s regime. His perspective adds weight to the growing concerns about Putin’s hold on power.

As the international community closely watches the developments in Russia, Bondarev’s warning serves as a reminder of the potential consequences of political instability. The failed coup has not only highlighted divisions within the country but also raised questions about Putin’s ability to maintain his grip on power. The situation in Russia continues to evolve, and it remains to be seen how Putin will respond to the challenges he faces.

2 thoughts on “Vladimir Putin’s Shaken Grip on Power: Fallout from the Failed Uprising”

  1. An intense and gripping article outlining the potential consequences of the failed uprising on Vladimir Putin’s hold on power. The fallout appears to be shaking the foundations of his authority, but only time will tell what this means for Russia’s political landscape.

  2. “Vladimir Putin’s grip on power is undoubtedly being tested by the fallout from the failed uprising. It remains to be seen how this will impact his political standing in the long run. Interesting times ahead for Russia.”


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