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VIVIANA FENZI, MOTHER NOTHING / What disease did she have? He healed when he heard the little girl’s voice

In the first part of the biopic The little girl who didn’t want to sing, broadcast today in prime time on Rai1, Nada’s mother does not seem a very present figure in her life. It is not in spite of herself: the poor girl, in fact, is forced to stay in bed by an illness that her family describes as a ‘headache’. In reality, it is a very serious form of depression that also affects his relationship with his daughter. “Are you dead?” Little Nada writes to her under one of her drawings. The drawing in question portrays the mother in her usual pose, enticed and ‘down’ especially from the point of view of morale. “I’m not a good mom”, she reproaches herself, in conversation with her grandmother. It is the latter who takes care of Nada, while she is in the throes of her usual headaches. “I’m afraid of putting pins in the snack”, admits Viviana (this is the woman’s name). Upon hearing Nada’s voice, however, the mother turns green: “It was you who healed me, with that beautiful voice you have”. (adj. by Rossella Pastore)

Who is Viviana Fenzi?

It was 1953, a cold November day, when Viviana Fenzi gave birth to her baby girl, the same one to whom he decided to give the name Nada because of a fortune teller who predicted her future and therefore the arrival of her pregnancy and her daughter. This is one of the many memories that the singer, protagonist tonight, at least in the girl version of The Little Girl Who Didn’t Want to Sing, he put together talking about his mother, a woman who has struggled with depression ever since she was little. This monster marked their life together and, perhaps, even the career of Nothing since she herself speaks of it sure that the moments in which she sang were some of the few in which the mother felt better or felt close to her daughter. In an interview with Corriere.it, Nada explained that with Viviana Fenzi there has always been a great love conditioned by its ups and downs that often pushed her to chase his love without understanding why she was elusive.

Nada and the relationship with her mother Viviana Fenzi

For a long time he sang to her until he decided to take her life in hand and do it for her own sake. Their relationship has gone on for so long that Nothing he couldn’t help but write and sing about her until her album entitled O Madre which she experienced as a liberation from everything that had happened and which still kept her tied to her in a negative sense: “In my latest record O mother is almost like a liberation, I think this conflict ends, as if in the end I have understood and married all the good or wrong things that a mother can do because it is part of life, of great feelings, of true loves. When my next album comes out, there won’t be any songs dedicated to her ”. Nada is now free, her mother is dead and tonight in the Rai1 film it will be up to Carolina Crescentini lend her face.


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