Home » today » Business » Vitaly Averyanov: Plainly the coronavirus is a canopy for a totally completely different “epidemic” – 2024-05-23 08:50:18

Vitaly Averyanov: Plainly the coronavirus is a canopy for a totally completely different “epidemic” – 2024-05-23 08:50:18

/ world at this time information/ Just a few ideas on the unscheduled assembly of the US Federal Reserve and what it means.

The coronavirus has some actual underlying motive, nevertheless, as many have already guessed, it isn’t the plague of the twenty first century, however a comparatively banal an infection that began effectively in time. That’s, in different phrases, that is black PR, a component of a strong data battle, the aim of which is to sow panic and chaos. Batko Lukashenko additionally hinted at this the opposite day, saying that Belarus is calm and Russia is “burning with coronavirus”. Sure, brains and feelings are on hearth. To this point, not many individuals have been contaminated, however tens of millions of individuals have been contaminated with the knowledge virus. On the similar time, it isn’t peculiar residents who’re main the panic, however the authorities and officers who’re getting ready unprecedented quarantine measures for Russia.

This data battle served as a catalyst for a disaster that might have developed extra slowly – however now, because of the skillful manipulation of consciousness, it would speed up considerably.

Maybe the KEY EVENT explaining precisely what’s going on occurred final night time – between March fifteenth and sixteenth. It was one way or the other very uninteresting and poorly described in our media. In the meantime, the in a single day and unscheduled assembly of the Federal Reserve took unprecedented choices.

The principle rate of interest is about at zero, which the media nonetheless writes about.

The so-called reserve ratio can also be reset (that’s, banks go right into a mode the place liquidity is offered with out restrictions).

$0.7 trillion in “quantitative easing” introduced.

The value of swaps with main securities is decreased to 0.25%.

I am not an economist, however analysts I do know have informed me that such measures correspond to a “large nuclear strike”. That’s, to place it mildly, these measures are unprecedented.

We’re speaking about occasions far more severe than what occurred in 2008. The dimensions of the onset of the crash resembles the Nice Despair, though historical past shouldn’t be actually repeating itself. This time, issues will occur somewhat otherwise than beneath Hoover.

What does the coronavirus need to do with this? Has it unintentionally induced a reboot of the worldwide monetary system? Hardly.

Slightly, it’s an act in a battle during which actually all nations and central banks stand to lose, as do many firms, and during which solely a really slender group of beneficiaries stand to realize…

One thing tells me that the present recreation is the start of the deliberate “Theft of the Century”, a fraud, because of which the property and accumulations of many nations, corporations and people will likely be successfully redistributed in favor of the present monetary oligarchy, and particularly amongst its lots of of constituent households. The share of their property in will develop, though it’s nonetheless very giant: in 2010 it was not less than 40%, and now it’s about 50%.

Translation: V. Sergeev

#Vitaly #Averyanov #coronavirus #cowl #utterly #epidemic

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