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Puy-l’Évêque. College of Olt: “Many projects await the end of confinement”

The principal of the college in Olt, Françoise December-Bezaud received us on Tuesday, December 1 in her office and answered our questions.

What is happening in particular in your establishment today?

Following a national movement, our four AEDs (education assistants, ex-supervisors) and our CPE (senior education advisor) are following a strike movement demanding an improvement in their status. Teachers and administrative staff therefore mobilized to take charge of the tasks usually assigned to AEDs.

What about the behavior of schoolchildren during this difficult period?

I admire: all the students had a great need to find themselves in the school environment; They have perfectly integrated the health protocol into their habits: wearing a mask, washing hands. As for the establishment, it has a family character due to the attentive and benevolent attitude of the educational team who does not forget academic success, the heart of our action.

The departmental council supports the educational activities of the colleges. What are you planning in this area?

Many projects are waiting in our drawers for the end of containment. First, the Collège au Cinéma operation: 6th and 5th year students will go to the Prayssac cinema to see a film which will then be the subject of class work during the French course. Also in the artistic chapter, the 5th, under the leadership of the French teacher Sandra Gouillard, will receive a visit from a Cadurcian theater company before attending one of its performances in a room in Cahors. A tour guided by a specialist will take our college students to the streets of Puy-l’Évêque, where they can study calligraphy and architecture. As part of Generation 2024 week, PE teacher Floriane Carrière will educate college students about sports during Olympic week from February 1 to 5. All classes will be introduced to archery and blind football (blind football) under the supervision of speakers. Still in the sports field, the UNSS is content with training by class level to avoid mixing.

Spanish teacher Caroline Silvestre leads an oral preparation workshop by reading texts to prepare students for the patent and baccalaureate exams. The 5th C and 3rd B entered the contest “If we read aloud?” ; during the big bookstore club, students prepare to read a 2-minute text. An establishment jury will select the best which will be recorded in a video clip sent to the academy; a new selection will take place before reaching the national level.

Another activity concerns sustainable development and waste reduction in relation to the Syded, including the manufacture of objects made from recycled material. The music education teacher, Bertrand Beau still runs the choir while waiting to meet other clubs. Finally, the annual outing in Banyuls (Pyrénées-Orientales) diving, discovery of the marine environment, was temporarily suspended in 2021. The Christmas meal, it is maintained, a festive moment accompanied by decorations, will conclude the end of this year without standards.

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