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Viral RI Anniversary Competition Staring at Oldest Former Photos, This is the Behind It


In celebrating the Republic of Indonesia’s Independence Day, in general the community holds competitions. Commonly held RI Anniversary competitions such as eating crackers, marbles, sack races, tug of war and many more.

However, at the celebration of Indonesia’s 75th Anniversary, there was an unusual competition that succeeded in highlighting the public’s attention. Viral on Instagram, the competition is staring at the oldest photo of the former. Information about the unique competition comes from the Instagram account of Khoirul Anam @anam_chenel, who uploaded a photo of the competition.

“COMPETITION TO LOOK FOR FORMER PHOTOS … anyone wants to join,” wrote @anam_chenel (16/8/2020).


Anam’s posts until Tuesday afternoon (18/8/2020) received 2,337 Likes and 235 comments on his Instagram account @anam_chenel. Various funny comments also enlivened the post.

“Register to be a participant @anam_chenel,” asked the @zulaikhah_ilham_tabig account.

“The photo of the ex with his new girlfriend is more interesting,” the idea came from the @syakuryalinawa account.

“When I had time to print, the photo was quickly formatted,” said Instagram user @dianafwz.

The photo of the competitor staring at the oldest photo of the former. Photo: Doc. personal Khoirul Anam.

When confirmed, Anam said he did not think that his post could be viral. “I don’t know .. 1 hour after I posted. Many shared on the Facebook group. Many mentioned it in the comments as well,” Anam told Wolipop, Tuesday (18/8/2020).

This 28-year-old man shared the initial idea of ​​making a photo staring competition of his former to celebrate the 75th Indonesian Independence Day. The competition was held in his area in Baturan, Magelang, Central Java.

“The competition was held on August 16, 2020 and there were 4 participants, all of my friends. My own idea was that I still wanted my ex and couldn’t move on. So I made the competition. Who knows, the former will see my post,” he said.

Longest looking photo competition of exPhoto of the jury supervising the contestants. Photo: Doc. personal Khoirul Anam.

According to Anam, the competition can also entertain the public in the midst of a pandemic in Indonesia. Especially during this pandemic, people are prohibited from holding competitions that invite crowds.

“Incidentally, the village does not have a competition this year. So those who watch it laugh,” he said with a laugh.

Anam added that the staring competition for the former’s 15-minute photo was awarded with a trophy. And there is one jury who assesses the competition.

“One person who won was able to hold back staring at an ex’s photo for 10 minutes,” concluded Anam.

Hey, if you can participate in this competition?

Longest looking photo competition of exThe winner of the competition stares at the photo of the oldest former. Photo: Doc. personal Khoirul Anam.

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(gaf / eny)

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