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Villarreal is interested in Matías Dituro

Matías Dituro was one of the revelations of the Spanish League in the goal of Celta de Vigoclub with which he played the 38 games of the tournament with 14 undefeated fences, although he will not continue with the club and his career could continue in Villarreal.

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The pass of the 35-year-old veteran goalkeeper belongs to the Catholic University of Chileand although his performance in Chacho Coudet’s team was more than satisfactory the purchase option of 1.8 million euros will not be used.

According to Spanish media, The Yellow Submarine wants the Argentine to fight for the position with Gerónimo Rullisince everything indicates that Sergio Asenjo will not renew his contract.

Dituro is a soccer globetrotterand after stopping in the Argentine ascent, Peru, Spain, Paraguay, Bolivia and Chile found his place in the world in the Catholic Ufrom where he made the leap to the Spanish first division.

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