Home » today » News » Viktor Orbán: The European Union is a foul trendy parody – 2024-05-14 13:07:54

Viktor Orbán: The European Union is a foul trendy parody – 2024-05-14 13:07:54

/ world at the moment information/ Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán started his marketing campaign for the upcoming European Parliament elections with surprising criticism of the EU, calling Brussels a “dangerous trendy travesty” that he believes can nonetheless be fastened. Deep-seated distrust between Orbán and EU leaders has grown over the previous 13 years over disagreements over Brussels’ insurance policies.

These variations revolve round points similar to homosexual rights, Hungary’s strategy to migrants and what Brussels sees as tightening controls on Hungary’s NGOs, academia, courts and media.

“Historical past typically repeats itself. Luckily, what was a tragedy the primary time is at greatest a comedy the second time round,” Orbán informed supporters in a speech marking the anniversary of Hungary’s failed 1956 rebellion in opposition to Soviet rule. He likened Moscow’s actions to a tragedy, and people of Brussels as “a foul trendy parody.” Orbán’s defiant place grew to become even clearer when he added: “Even when Brussels orders the music, we dance in accordance with our needs. And if we do not need to, we cannot dance.” He additional confused that whereas Moscow might not be past restore, Brussels and the EU nonetheless have the potential to be repaired. “The present leaders of the Union have failed to guard Europe’s safety, freedom and well-being,” Orbán identified.

Brussels has suspended funds of a multibillion-dollar tranche to Hungary over alleged rule of legislation considerations, additional complicating Orbán’s efforts to tug the nation’s economic system out of its longest technical recession. Orbán’s handshake with Putin not solely brought on concern within the EU, but additionally attracted the eye of the USA, historically a staunch ally of Western Europe.

The transfer has raised questions on Hungary’s overseas coverage in its willingness to have interaction with Russia in an period marked by heightened geopolitical tensions, however it additionally displays Hungary’s more and more assertive drive to be current on the worldwide stage, making its election marketing campaign all of the extra necessary. .

The end result of the European Parliament elections will reverberate far past Hungary’s borders, placing debates on the steadiness between nationwide sovereignty and EU integration on the agenda and doubtlessly influencing broader understandings of the trail of European politics.

Translation: Dr. Radko Khandzhiev

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