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Video: The day of the skull

The day of the skull

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In the Bolivian city of La Paz, many people celebrated Skull Day on Monday. Many indigenous people believe that the skulls have miraculous powers and can ward off harm. Sofia Irusta is one of them. O-TON SOFIA IRUSTA, BELIEVERS: “If someone in the family is sick, then I tell him, please heal us, and he will do it. Everything I want, he fulfills. That is what I want about mine Skull guess. ” Traditionally, the skulls are decorated and honored. Some are passed on from one generation to the next. O-TON MELVI MARISCAL, BELIEVERS: “They are my dear little souls. They do wounds, everything you want. They help you with learning, at work, and bring health. They protect you and give you a little help.” . ” The rite dates from pre-Columbian times. The Catholic Church does not support the custom. Years ago, a priest refused to bless the skulls, and unrest broke out. Since then, the Church has again offered blessings for the skulls.


In Bolivia, people celebrate an ancient festival at which the skulls of the ancestors are honored.

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