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Video: Royal humor: Queen tackles cake with a sword

Royal humor: Queen tackles cake with a sword

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Why use a knife when there is a sword at hand? Queen Elizabeth showed her royal sense of humor while visiting a botanical garden in Cornwall. She asked for a ceremonial sword to cut a cake. “I don’t think that will work.” “There is also a knife.” “Yes, I must have noticed that.” Daughter-in-law Camilla and granddaughter-in-law Kate could also laugh about it. The heads of state and government of the G7 countries are currently meeting in Cornwall to discuss issues such as the coronavirus pandemic, the economy and climate protection. On Friday the Queen paid a visit to the participants. During the group photo, too, she let her humor flash for a moment. “Are you expected to look like you’re having fun?” “Yes, we’ve had fun so far, even if it didn’t look like it,” replied Prime Minister Boris Johnson. The monarch is known for her stoic nature, but her fine sense of humor. Her flippant comment in the group photo, however, was strikingly reminiscent of the humor of her husband Prince Philip, who died in April at the age of 99. As the head of state of the host country, the Queen will be present during the G7 summit, supported by her family, including during a royal reception to kick off the G7 summit on Friday.


The monarch seemed in a good mood. As head of state of the G7 host country, she attended various appointments in Cornwall on Friday and showed her humorous side.

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