Home » today » World » VIDEO ⟩ Several dozen Latvian drivers have been imprisoned in Hungary for human trafficking

VIDEO ⟩ Several dozen Latvian drivers have been imprisoned in Hungary for human trafficking

The task was the introduction of illegal immigrants into the European Union. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs warns that with a similar goal, the recruitment of hauliers is also taking place in Croatia, the Czech Republic, Poland, Austria and elsewhere.

One of the arrested drivers is Uldis (name changed) – his girlfriend Dana (name also changed) agreed to tell what happened. He told Dana that he was going to Hungary for an excursion.

“One day he didn’t come out to communicate. We couldn’t find him either by phone or text message. Everything was completely off. I called the Budapest police myself, asked how do I know if the person is in the hospital?” the woman said.

After several calls, it turned out that Uldis had been arrested for human trafficking.

According to data from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, a total of 38 Latvian drivers have been arrested in Hungary since last year for smuggling illegal immigrants into the European Union. Most were unaware that they were involved in the commission of a crime.

Representative of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Latvia Diāna Eglīte said, “These recruiters here also deceived them, they said you don’t speak the language of the local country, so you will be treated more kindly, you will be deported. There will be no punishments.” They were simply deceived and believed it too.”

The penalty in Hungary, for example, is between 2 and 8 years in prison.

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