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Viagra to avoid emergency Cesarean women?

Over the past fifteen years, the number of births by caesarean section in the world has doubled, going from 16 million (12%) in 2000 to 29.7 million (21%) in 2015. Among the caesarean sections performed, approximately 2/3 are performed even before labor begins and 1/3 are decided during childbirth, when things do not go as planned. This unfortunate phenomenon could be avoided with … Viagra. Indeed, according to a study published on January 21 in the American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology, women taking this medication used by men with erectile dysfunction are half as likely to have an emergency cesarean.

To reach this conclusion, researchers gave Sildenafil Citrate, a drug sold under the brand name Viagra, to 150 pregnant women and placebo pills to 150 women at the start of labor, at Mater Mothers’ Hospital in Brisbane, Australia, between September 2015 and January 2019. The participants were between 18 and 50 years old, had a healthy pregnancy and were planning a vaginal birth. Scientists administered doses to them every hour, ranging from 50 milligrams to 150 milligrams.

Result: Viagra reduced the risk of emergency caesarean section by 51% and by 43% that of abnormal fetal heart rate, a sign of fetal distress. This could be explained because the drug could increase blood flow to the placenta just as it does for men’s penis.

A larger trial will take place soon

However, researchers have detected products or byproducts that break down sildenafil citrate in cord blood, which could harm the child’s health. What’s more, there is no evidence at this time that Viagra prevents health problems that can affect the fetus such as ruptured uterus, prolapsed cord, or placental abruption. Other tests are also needed to determine if there is a risk of increasing death or disability of the baby after delivery.

“Despite its promising results, this phase II trial failed to assess the 458 effects of sildenafil citrate on maternal and neonatal outcomes. It is therefore urgent to carry out phase III trials, approved by the main stakeholders, which are much more numerous than the planned 459 ”, write the authors of the study. The latter are therefore planning a larger trial where they will follow more than 3,000 women in 16 Australian hospitals.

Too many caesareans in France, according to the High Authority for Health

An emergency cesarean can be decided for many reasons. This can range from ineffective work to real and life-threatening emergencies. In France, around 100,000 women give birth by cesarean section each year and the French National Authority for Health would like to see this figure decrease. According to her, seven out of ten operations could be avoided. However, these are not without risk. According to a study published a few months ago in the Canadian Medical Association Journal, this type of birth increases the risk of serious complications, especially when the mother is 35 or older.

If it is mainly postpartum hemorrhage, cesarean can also increase the risk of infertility, abnormal placenta or uterine ruptures. In the long term, there can also be consequences for the newborn, this technique modifying the bacterial, hormonal, physical and medical exposures. Thus, the child may have an impaired immune development and suffer from asthma or allergies.

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