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Verona Pooth: Is she emigrating with the family to Diego in Florida?

Verona Pooth
“I could very well imagine life here”

© Gerald Matzka / Getty Images

Does the entire Pooth family emigrate to Florida after San Diego? Verona Pooth can at least imagine, as she now reveals in her Instagram story.

For a few weeks now nothing has been the same for the Pooths as it used to be. The eldest son of Verona Pooth, 53, and her husband Franjo Pooth, 52, moved to the United States. 18-year-old San Diego Pooth wants to graduate from the famous IMG Sports Academy and realize his dream of a career as a professional golfer.

San Diego moved to Florida

While Diego was quite relaxed about his move, the three remaining family members were already suffering a lot from saying goodbye. His ten-year-old brother Rocco would especially miss playing together, but Verona and Franjo also had to get used to the new situation first. It is all the nicer for the three of them that they have been visiting Diego in Bradenton for a few days and can finally feel as a family again.

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Verona Pooth has become a Miami fan

Verona also used the trip to Florida for work and took part in a photo shoot on the opposite coast in Miami. The presenter posted some impressions in her story and you can tell that Verona likes it very much. “I’m slowly making friends again with the thought that I’m going back to Germany, but we still have three days – and then we’re going back to cold Germany. No desire at all. I have to honestly say, I’m a big one Become a Miami fan. […] I’m really into Miami. I could very well imagine life here, “enthuses Verona about her new dream home.

After all, Diego would not be that far away then. The Pooths wouldn’t see their eldest every day, because the IMG Sports Academy is located in Bradenton, about 400 kilometers from Miami, but it is definitely an improvement on the current situation. In addition to Los Angeles, Miami is a popular area for German celebrities. Both Barbara Becker, 55, and Alessandra Meyer-Wölden, 38, have lived in the city on the east coast of Florida for years.

Sources used: instagram.com, RTL, own interview


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