Home » today » News » Val d’Oise. In Argenteuil, a white march in memory of Alisha, a schoolgirl drowned in the Seine

Val d’Oise. In Argenteuil, a white march in memory of Alisha, a schoolgirl drowned in the Seine

A walk to “pay homage to a good, kind girl, far from the stories”. This Sunday, in Argenteuil, in Val-d’Oise, more than 2,000 people took part in a white march in memory of Alisha, a 14-year-old schoolgirl found dead drowned in the Seine on March 8, after having been assaulted by two comrades.

Many teenagers, accompanied by some of their parents, made an appointment at the beginning of Sunday afternoon in front of the private professional high school Cognacq-Jay, where Alisha and her two attackers were educated. In turn, they placed bunch of flowers and little notes in front of the door of the establishment. The banner “homage to Alisha” was displayed there and white roses strewn the ground.

Alisha’s mother collected, moved, in front of the school. When the procession arrived at the Parc des Berges, on the banks of the Seine, she spoke: “I can’t believe what is happening to me, it keeps me from sleeping (…) I feel alone, a part of me has been torn from me. Nothing will be the same again. We had projects, she had her whole life to achieve them but she crossed paths with her assassins, “she said. testified, report BFMTV.

“Stop harassment, justice for Alisha”

Maeva, a 15-year-old who had been in the same class as Alisha last year, donned a white T-shirt with the girl’s image to participate in the walk and “pay homage to a good girl, nice, far from the stories “.

During the march, the slogan “stop harassment, justice for Alisha” appeared stuck on the walls of Argenteuil, about 16 km north of Paris. “It’s serious what happened,” said Tayna, a teenage girl in the procession. “Bullying exists at school,” said the young girl, saying herself to call her mother as soon as she experiences it.

Two indicted for murder

Alisha was the victim of an ambush set out by her two comrades on March 8, in the afternoon, under the viaduct of the A15 motorway, according to the first elements of the investigation revealed by the Pontoise prosecutor . In this place away from homes, she was said to have been brutally beaten and then thrown into the river, still conscious.

Relations within the trio educated in Third in the same establishment, “three friends at the start”, had deteriorated over the previous weeks, between love affairs and “teenage trivia”, according to the prosecution. Things had escalated to the point that their high school had temporarily excluded the two suspects for the victim’s harassment. Alisha had seen her phone hacked and photos of her in her underwear posted on Snapchat.

The two suspects, a 15-year-old boy and girl, were indicted for murder and remanded in custody on Thursday. They were also scheduled to go to a disciplinary council on March 9, the day after the tragedy.

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