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Vaginal dryness: causes, symptoms, treatment, prevention

We speak of vaginal dryness when the vagina is not sufficiently lubricated. When all is well, the mucous membrane and glands of the vagina produce secretions to keep the vagina moist, although this humidity varies with the periods of the menstrual cycle. This lubrication allows the vagina in particular to self-clean, because the secretions which flow carry with them dead skin and germs. However, sometimes these secretions are produced in insufficient quantity.

Causes and symptoms of vaginal dryness

Often, vaginal dryness is the result of a lack of estrogen. Estrogens are sex hormones responsible, among other things, for maintaining the humidity of the vagina. As estrogen levels decrease during menopause, this period often rhymes with vaginal dryness. However, menopause is not the only cause of vaginal dryness. Certain drugs and contraceptives can cause its onset. A vaginal infection, smoking, and alcohol and drug use can also dry out the vagina. In the event of vaginal dryness, some women will simply experience discomfort. For others, vaginal dryness rhymes with burning and itching in the vagina, but also at the entrance of the latter. In addition, vaginal dryness can cause pain or even bleeding during sex. It also promotes the presence of other problems such as vaginal and / or urinary tract infections. In fact, vaginal dryness can also make you want to urinate more often.

How to prevent and cure vaginal dryness?

To prevent vaginal dryness, douching should be avoided, as should daily panty liners. You can also use a lubricant during sex. You can even apply a moisturizer specifically designed for the vagina and vulva every day. Some women use geisha balls to maintain good vaginal health. On the diet side, vitamin B1, in particular, can help prevent vaginal dryness. When vaginal dryness sets in, several solutions exist. A consultation with the doctor or the gynecologist is necessary if the preventive measures are insufficient to solve the problem. These health professionals may in particular prescribe healing eggs or hormonal eggs.

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