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Vaccinated people who still get corona – temporarily


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Scientists from the US state of Oregon have discovered that people who are fully vaccinated and still become infected with corona subsequently can become super immune. It is hoped that the body’s response, supported by the vaccine, will provide a possible way out of the pandemic.

Before the champagne is uncorked, it is good to realize that it is unclear how long this invulnerability will last. It is also no reason to forego a booster shot. The scientists warn that under no circumstances should vaccinated people try to become infected, partly because it is impossible to predict how the disease will turn out.

Super immunity is also achieved if unvaccinated people are vaccinated after being infected with the virus.

HLN reports:

Oregon scientists have studied breakthrough infections among staff at Oregon Health & Science University School of Medicine in Portland. They placed 26 vaccinated staff members who became infected with a breakthrough infection next to a group of people who had also been vaccinated but had not contracted Covid-19. It turned out that the group of vaccinees who still got infected had a substantial increase in antibodies in the blood. “A 1,000 percent increase and sometimes even 2,000 percent, so really high immunity,” said Fikadu Tafesse, professor of molecular microbiology and immunology. “That’s almost ‘super immunity’.”

The discovery comes at a time when the omikron variant is spreading and is breaking through the protection of the vaccine for many people. Boosters do protect against the omikron variant because they give the immune system a boost. According to an expert, the immune system’s response to the virus after vaccination is similar to the booster, but less safe because it only takes place after infection and the infected person can first become seriously ill or worse.

cc-photo: Tom Bullock

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