Home » today » News » Vacant House Fire in Boxmeer: Firefighters Battle Blaze on Burgemeester Verkuijlstraat

Vacant House Fire in Boxmeer: Firefighters Battle Blaze on Burgemeester Verkuijlstraat

A fire broke out in a vacant house on Burgemeester Verkuijlstraat in Boxmeer last night around three o’clock. Firefighters from various brigades from the region and even from Sint-Michielsgestel were called in. An aerial work platform was also used. According to someone in the neighborhood, vagrants were staying in the house, but no one was found, except for an abandoned place to sleep.

The more than hundred-year-old house is located close to a branch of the Lidl supermarket. The fire brigade was able to prevent the fire from spreading. The cause of the fire is unknown. The back part of the house was completely burned out. Burgemeester Verkuijlstraat, among others, was partly closed during the fire-fighting work.

2023-12-15 05:30:03

#news #investigation #missing #woman #vacant #house #fire

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