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Ustadz Khalid Basalamah Clarifies and Apologizes for Puppets

Ustadz Khalid conveyed that there were no words from him that banned movies.

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA — Ustadz Khalid Basalamah gave a clarification regarding the high number of reports about his lecture on the issue of wayang. In addition, Ustadz Khalid at the same time apologized for the snippet of a question asked by one of his congregation regarding wayang.

In his official Instagram account, @khalidsasalamahofficial, Monday (14/2/2022), in addition to apologizing, Ustadz Khalid also confirmed in his response to the viral video clip, there were no words that banned puppets. He conveyed only an invitation to make Islam a tradition.

Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarokatuh. Alhamdulillah wassholatu wassalamu ala rasulillah all praise and praise be to Allah subhanahu wa ta’ala also a companion of the Prophet Muhammad shallallahu alaihi wa aalihi wa shahbihii wasalam. This video, our friends, is made for clarification as well as apologies for the snippet of questions asked by one of the only new years at the Blok M Mosque in Jakarta, and at the same time our answer about the problem of wayang,” said Ustadz Khalid in the opening of the video.

“I will try to clarify our answer, I will try to divide it into three parts. My brothers and sisters are also compatriots and compatriots. The first is the scope of our recitation and the answer of a Muslim preacher to a Muslim questioner. That was the limit.”

“And when I was asked about wayang, I said how good it would be and we suggested, we suggest that we make Islam a tradition, don’t make tradition an Islam.

“I invite you to make Islam a tradition, the meaning of these words is also if there is a tradition that is in line with Islam, there is no problem and if there is a conflict with Islam it is better to leave it, this is a suggestion.”

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