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Using Degirol for Sore Throat in Breastfeeding Mothers


Dwi Indah Nurcahyani | Haibunda

Friday, 07 Jul 2023 09:10 WIB


Degirol is widely believed to treat sore throats, including in nursing mothers. So how to use degirol for nursing mothers?

It is normal for nursing mothers to be sick and tired. However, when sick it is usually a separate anxiety for the mother to continue breastfeeding or not. Yes, breastfeeding mothers can indeed get infections and are susceptible to medical illnesses such as sore throats.

Sore throat is a type of infection that can be caused by bacteria or viruses, and can affect the health of nursing mothers. The problem is, drugs taken to treat infections can affect the health of nursing mothers.

In addition, medicines taken to treat infections can pass into breast milk and be passed to the baby while breastfeeding. If you experience pain, irritation, or an itchy feeling in your throat that worsens when swallowing food, you may have a sore throat, as said by Dr. Archana Dhawan Bajaj, an obstetrician quoted from the page Parenting First Cry.

The cause may be triggered by exposure to certain irritants, dryness in the throat, tension in the throat muscles, allergies, GERD, and others. It can be spread due to bacteria like Streptococcus pyogenes.

Degirol for nursing mothers

A sore throat is also sometimes a symptom of another bacterial infection, such as diphtheria, or whooping cough. This may be due to a viral infection such as the common cold or influenza. It may also be one of the symptoms of other viral infections such as chickenpox, mononucleosis, and others.

The symptoms of a sore throat are very obvious, and by carrying out a physical examination of your throat, jaw, nose, and ears, your doctor will be able to tell whether you have a sore throat or not. However, sometimes to determine the exact cause of your condition, your doctor may ask you to do an allergy test and a throat swab culture. He can also check blood counts.

Treatment of sore throat itself depends on the severity of the condition being experienced. Usually, paracetamol or ibuprofen are drugs that are safe for consumption to treat sore throats while breastfeeding. The doctor may also prescribe it if Mother has a fever and body aches.

Breastfeeding mothers also often rely on lozenges to relieve their sore throats. One of them that is commonly relied on is Degirol. Suction Degirol is a lozenge containing dequalinium chloride. The function of Degirol itself is for sore throat, inflammation of the oral cavity and throat, and infections of the mucous membranes of the mouth.

Degirol suction is useful for treating various types of inflammation in the oral cavity. This product can treat gingivitis, periodontitis, laryngitis, and angina. Infections of the mucous membranes of the mouth such as stomatitis can also be treated with this lozenge.

Each lozenge contains Dequalinium Chloride 0.25 mg. The use of Degirol can be consumed at a dose of 1 tablet every 3-4 hours and a maximum of 8 tablets a day. Its use can consume it by sucking it according to the recommended dosage. How to use it by letting one tablet dissolve slowly in the mouth.

It’s a good idea, Mothers who are breastfeeding consult a doctor to get the best advice before using this drug and to avoid side effects that may arise from the Degirol drug. Because, it is not yet known whether this drug is absorbed into breast milk or not. So, getting advice from a doctor is the safest thing to do, Mother.

Also avoid long-term and repeated use. There is no safety data regarding the use of this drug in pregnant and or breastfeeding women. It’s a good idea to consult your doctor if you are breastfeeding or pregnant.

The use of Degirol generally has certain side effects and according to each individual. If side effects are excessive and getting worse, immediately consult a doctor or get medical treatment as soon as possible.

As a home remedy, you can consume warm chamomile tea which helps soothe sore throats and fight infections. Mothers can also make warm chicken soup or corn soup and other warm liquids to relieve irritation and help the pain in the throat slowly disappear.

Those are some ways you can do to help relieve a sore throat while breastfeeding, Mother. Hope the information helps, Mother.

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2023-07-07 02:10:51
#Degirol #Breastfeeding #Mothers #Benefits #Dosage #Safe

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