Home » today » Entertainment » Used Book Fair in Peatonal San Martín and Miter Offers Affordable Solution for Parents During Inflation and Recession

Used Book Fair in Peatonal San Martín and Miter Offers Affordable Solution for Parents During Inflation and Recession

Classes have started and teachers’ ordering of books becomes a critical issue for parents in times of inflation and recession. Given this panorama, an option like the one offered by the used book fair in Peatonal San Martín and Miterin front of the Cathedral Church, is a more than profitable exit.

The fair is open from Monday to Saturday from 08:00 to 19:00 and can be visited until approximately April 15. “People are coming closer. They consult the values, some have taken their books or brought them to make the exchanges that we always do,” he explained. Intione of its coordinators.

In dialogue with The Marplatensethe bookseller highlighted that in that space the exchange work is carried out as “it was done with magazines, only now you have to add a couple more zeros.”

Regarding how the exchange works for clients, Inti explained that everything “depends on the book they bring.” For example, “If you bring one that they are asking for, yes, it is convenient, but if it is an edition that has passed the time that is not so close to the value and you have to put one or two more books.”

In relation to the movement that they have noticed these first days (the fair opened on March 1), the bookseller said that “There is the curious one who comes to see what is happening, because the table is full. There are novels too, literature in general. Sometimes they come with a book that we can’t take. Now we also take other types of books: high school, university and even medical books.”

In any case, Inti invited people to go to the fair: “People out there have books that were his uncle’s and they have them collecting dust. Let them bring them and we will take part of the payment so that they can take a book that they need this year.”.

2024-03-10 22:09:10
#book #fair #option #school

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