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US Veto Stalls UN Resolution on Palestine-Israel Conflict, China Calls for Ceasefire

Original title: The United States vetoed the Security Council resolution with one vote and China called for an immediate ceasefire. A quick three-minute look at the latest situation in the Palestinian-Israeli war →

On October 16, at the United Nations Headquarters in New York, the Security Council voted on a draft resolution drafted by Russia on humanitarian issues in Gaza.Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Xie E

China’s Permanent Representative to the United Nations Zhang Jun expressed shock and disappointment on the 18th that the Security Council failed to pass a resolution on the situation between Palestine and Israel. The draft resolution on the situation between Palestine and Israel drafted by Brazil was approved by 12 Security Council members, but the United States voted veto, resulting in the resolution not being adopted. Zhang Jun spoke at the Security Council’s emergency review of the situation between Palestine and Israel that day, emphasizing that the immediate realization of a comprehensive ceasefire between Palestine and Israel must be the overriding priority goal.

The health department of the Palestinian Gaza Strip announced on the 18th that the Israeli military air raid on a hospital in Gaza City on the 17th killed 471 people. Please follow Xinhua News Agency reporters for a quick three-minute overview of the latest developments in the Palestinian-Israeli war last night and this morning →

China expresses shock and disappointment at the failure of the Security Council to pass a resolution on the situation between Palestine and Israel

China’s Permanent Representative to the United Nations Zhang Jun expressed shock and disappointment on the 18th that the Security Council failed to pass a resolution on the situation between Palestine and Israel.

On the same day, the draft resolution on the situation between Palestine and Israel drafted by Brazil was approved by 12 Security Council members, but the United States voted veto, resulting in the resolution not being adopted.

This is the scene of the attack on a hospital taken in Gaza City on October 18.Xinhua News Agency

Zhang Jun made an explanatory speech after the Security Council vote, saying that the Security Council voted on the draft resolution proposed by Russia on the evening of the 16th. The Russian draft focused on the humanitarian concerns of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict and called for an immediate ceasefire and protection of civilians. It was supported and co-sponsored by many Arab countries. However, some countries chose to vote against it on the grounds that they were willing to use the draft resolution proposed by Brazil as a basis and asked for more time to seek consensus. In the past 40 hours, relevant countries have neither expressed opinions nor objections to the Palestinian draft. This makes everyone expect that the Security Council can successfully pass the resolution today, but the final voting result is incredible.

Gaza City hospital attack kills more than 700 people

The health department of the Palestinian Gaza Strip announced on the afternoon of the 18th that the Israeli military air raided the Ahli Arab Hospital (also known as the Baptist Hospital) in Gaza City on the 17th, resulting in 471 deaths and 314 injuries, 28 of which were in critical condition. According to the Associated Press, this is the deadliest single attack in the Gaza Strip since the outbreak of a new round of Palestinian-Israeli conflict. The Palestinian health department said that as of 14:45 on the 18th, 3,540 people had died in the Gaza Strip and the West Bank, and more than 13,000 people had been injured.

Shifa Hospital in Gaza City received approximately 350 hospital casualties from the attack. Shifa hospital director Mohammed Abu Selmiya said the hospital was overcrowded. The wounded lay on the ground covered in blood, wailing in pain.

According to a report by the Palestinian News Agency on the 18th, the entire West Bank went on strike that day to mourn the Palestinian compatriots who were killed in the attack on the Gaza City hospital and to protest against Israel’s continued attacks on the Gaza Strip.

On October 18, in the West Bank city of Nablus, people took to the streets to protest against the attack on Gaza hospitals. Published by Xinhua News Agency (Photo by Nidal Astaye)

Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu issued a statement on social media on the evening of the 17th, denying that the Israeli military carried out air strikes on the above-mentioned hospitals, and said that according to multiple intelligence sources in Israel’s possession, the Palestinian Islamic Jihad (Jihad) was “defeated” by rockets. A launch error” that hit a hospital in Gaza City was responsible.

Biden’s visit falls into embarrassing situation

US President Biden, who visited Israel, held a brief meeting with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in Tel Aviv on the 18th, once again expressing his clear support for Israel in “self-defense.” Biden said the attack on a Gaza City hospital “appeared” to have been caused by Palestinian armed groups in the Gaza Strip.

Analysts pointed out that Biden hopes to use this visit to boost his election prospects for next year’s U.S. election. Externally, he hopes to show support for Israel while balancing relations with Arab countries. However, the attack on a Gaza City hospital and the subsequent cancellation of a meeting between Arab leaders put Biden’s trip into an embarrassing dilemma.

This is US President Biden taken at the White House in Washington, USA on September 15. Xinhua News Agency (Photo by Shen Ting)

The Jordanian Ministry of Foreign Affairs announced on the 18th that it had canceled the four-way meeting between the leaders of Palestine, Jordan, Egypt and the United States that was originally scheduled to be held in Amman, the capital of Jordan, on the same day to mediate the situation between Palestine and Israel. The timing of the new meeting depends on when the parties agree to end “the war and massacre against the Palestinians.”

CNN said that Biden faces a dilemma in the new round of Palestinian-Israeli conflicts. He must express anger while avoiding escalation of the conflict. The last-minute cancellation of a meeting with Arab leaders means Biden faces new diplomatic difficulties.

Charles List, a senior fellow at the Middle East Institute, said the timing and intended effect of Biden’s visit to Israel could not have been worse. Former U.S. Ambassador to Israel Daniel Kurtzer pointed out that the attack on the Gaza City hospital put Biden into a situation he was unwilling to face.

Emirates and US agree to provide aid to Gaza Strip but agree not to block it

The Egyptian Presidential Palace issued a statement on social media in the early morning of the 19th, saying that Egyptian President Sisi had a phone call with US President Biden on the 18th and agreed to provide “sustainable” assistance to the Gaza Strip through the Rafah Port. Relevant departments of the two countries will coordinate with international humanitarian organizations under the supervision of the United Nations to ensure the arrival of aid supplies.

On October 17, Lebanese soldiers were on duty in Lamia, Lebanon. Published by Xinhua News Agency (photo by Ali Hashisao)

The Israeli Prime Minister’s Office issued a statement on the 18th saying that at the request of visiting US President Biden, Israel will not block humanitarian relief supplies such as food, water and medicine from entering the southern Gaza Strip through Egypt, but “any supplies sent to Hamas will be blocked.” (Comprehensive reports from Xinhua News Agency’s foreign correspondents; Editors: Yuan Yuan, Qiao Ying, Wang Fengfeng)

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2023-10-19 03:25:00

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