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US Presidential Election Unrest Widespread, Trump Angry Phone Republican Governor


Protests after the United States (US) presidential election that ended in chaos in Portland, Oregon, have sparked the deployment of the National Guard. Oregon state authorities reported widespread violence in downtown Portland, the state’s largest city.

As reported by the Associated Press, Thursday (5/11/2020), the Governor of Oregon, Kate Brown, activated the deployment of the Oregon National Guard shortly after the Multnomah County Sheriff’s Office determined the rioting situation in downtown Portland on Wednesday (4/11) evening local time.

A report from the Multnomah County Sheriff’s Office said that the rioters in Portland had committed acts of destroying property. Local media KPTV also reported that rioters committed vandalism against local buildings, including smashing the windows of one of the churches, then destroying an ATM machine and burning an American flag in the middle of the road.

Apart from these news, here are international news items that have caught the attention of readers detikcom, today, Thursday (5/11/2020):

– Trump furiously calls Republican governors

The President of the United States (US), Donald Trump, reportedly got angry when he contacted the governors of state Republicans. Trump has also been said to have publicly doubted the legal strategy he personally instructed his staff to carry out over the outcome of the US presidential election.

As reported by CNN, Thursday (5/11/2020), according to two sources quoted by CNN, Trump instructed his staff to start filing lawsuits as soon as Fox News projected his rival, Joe Biden, to win the state of Arizona on Wednesday (4/11) US night time.

Trump’s staff, according to one source, spent the entire Wednesday devising a half-baked legal strategy aimed at giving more time for votes to be counted in a crucial state like Arizona.

– Angry, Trump Supporters Call for Stoppage of Vote Count in Michigan

Dozens of supporters of the President of the United States (US), Donald Trump, came to the vote counting center in Detroit, Michigan and asked for the counting process to stop. This action was carried out amidst the anger and frustration of Trump’s supporters over the pending results of the US presidential election.

Watch the video ‘Trump Tries to Stop Vote Count, the Governor of Pennsylvania: Shame!’:

[Gambas:Video 20detik]

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