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US Police Warning: Hidden AirTags Placed on Cars by Criminals During Road Trips to Canada

US <a data-ail="4948190" target="_blank" href="https://www.world-today-news.com/tag/police/" >Police</a> Warn Drivers Heading to Canada to Look Out for Hidden AirTags on Their Cars

US Police Warn Drivers Heading to Canada to Look Out for Hidden AirTags on Their Cars

Increasing Concerns for Travelers

A recent warning has been issued to drivers heading to Canada from the US to be cautious of the presence of hidden AirTags on their vehicles. A new report from the US police highlights the rising concern over the nefarious use of AirTags by criminals targeting cross-border travelers.

Vermont Authorities Express Vigilance

Vermont authorities are urging residents to remain vigilant about their personal safety after road trips to Canada. It has been suspected that criminals specifically target vehicles with hidden AirTags, which can be used to track the movement of unsuspecting travelers.

Tracing Criminals in Montreal

Reports from Montreal shed light on the modus operandi of local criminals. These individuals are increasingly utilizing AirTags to facilitate vehicle theft. Authorities are alarmed by the surge in incidents involving the use of this technology, prompting heightened security measures.

Tracking Devices Under Scrutiny

For anyone crossing the border to Canada, the risk of tracking devices warrants attention. Authorities on both sides are concerned about the potential misuse of AirTags, which could compromise the safety and security of individuals traveling between the US and Canada.

Rise in AirTag-Facilitated Vehicle Theft

A recent spate of vehicle thefts in Montreal has revealed a disconcerting trend. Criminals have been resorting to AirTags to steal vehicles, leaving law enforcement agencies grappling with this new form of organised crime. Local residents and travelers alike are being urged to remain cautious.

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