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Urso, assists restaurateurs: “We wish to make the laws on dehors structural”

MILANO – The federal government is pondering of a free all for the outside areas. The Minister of Enterprise anticipated this Adolfo Urso, on the sidelines of the Fipe occasion on the Chamber ‘Catering Day’: “We’re creating, inside the draft regulation on competitors, a provision to make outside tables and terraces structural, so that also they are a component of city decorum”, mentioned Urso. “Now we have mentioned this provision – he provides – with the sector associations and clearly additionally with the Anci, and subsequently with the Municipalities. We predict that it might be a possibility to make catering much more purposeful to sociality and to that city decorum than within the facilities historians have to be more and more affirmed”.

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by Rosaria Amato

Codacons: “Free outside areas are a rape of historic centres”

An initiative, nonetheless, that Codacons already criticizes harshly. “A rape to the detriment of historic facilities and cities and an immense reward to bars and eating places on the expense of residents”, feedback the affiliation. “Even though the circumstances of the Covid emergency which had allowed bars and eating places to occupy public land with a wild invasion of platforms and tables, the federal government desires to make structural a measure that has solely prompted chaos and degradation – states the president Carlo Rienzi -. Dehors, umbrellas, platforms, tables and chairs put in on streets and squares trigger monumental harm to residents, who’re disadvantaged of public areas and compelled to stroll slaloming between the buildings positioned by bars and eating places. A chaos that additionally damages city decorum and tourism, ruining the picture of our cities within the eyes of overseas guests. To not point out the unlawful building and the absence of controls, which frequently results in the occupation of extra public area than that allowed by native rules.”

“For that reason we’re prepared for the barricades to counter any Authorities measure that liberalizes outside areas and creates harm to city decorum and residents”, concludes Rienzi

#Urso #assists #restaurateurs #laws #dehors #structural
– 2024-05-16 21:20:32

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