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UP had school control – school employee deprived of the note

Many motorists were fined after passing UP’s laser.

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UP had speed control in the Kjøkkelvik area for about two hours on Tuesday morning. There are both school and kindergarten in the area. Photo: UP

For about two hours from 08:00 on Tuesday morning, the Emergency Police (UP) was stationed with a laser in Kjøkkelvikveien in Laksevåg district in Bergen.

The control was held in connection with the start of school.

The speed measurement was done along a road where there is a 30-zone, with school buildings on both sides of the road and in addition a kindergarten nearby.

The road and the area where the cars were measured. Gamle Kjøkkelvikveien enters on the left at the intersection. Photo: UP

– Quite busy

During the inspection, a total of 17 drivers were waved to the side, says UP superintendent, Kjell Søgnen. He himself was in control.

One of the drivers had his driver’s license confiscated. The person in question is employed at a school in the Bergen area – a different school than where the inspection took place.

– The driver was measured at 57 kilometers per hour in the 30-zone right next to the school and was very sorry for what happened, Søgnen says.

According to him, the driver risks having his driver’s license revoked for at least three months, plus a fine in the order of NOK 9,000-10,000.

Søgnen is far from satisfied with the result of the inspection.

– For a while it was quite busy. I would say there were more speeding offenses than expected, seen in light of the fact that it is the start of school and that motorists should be extra aware of the speed in areas with schools and kindergartens. I also think that many motorists must know that the police have frequent control activities at the moment, says the UP superintendent to BT.

The road and the area in which the cars were measured. There is a 30-zone on site, according to UP. A total of 17 motorists were fined. Photo: UP

Six fines on Monday

– Were there many who were caught in connection with the delivery of school or kindergarten children?

– As far as we registered, none of those we stopped had driven children to school or kindergarten. The impression we got was that they were not moving forward after such delivery, says Søgnen.

Before emphasizing the essentials:

– But everyone has a duty to make the school road safe for the kids. Of course, this does not only apply to parents who have to deliver themselves.

Søgnen tells about a speed check they had on Monday, when school started. It was held in the 40-zone near Bønes school in Bergen, from 12.30 to approximately 14 o’clock.

Six motorists were fined.

– But by and large, it was good driving under that control.

– Create safety

On the first day of school on Monday, the police were present at a number of Bergen schools to create “security and good relations”, as Atle Olav Heradstveit puts it.

He is head of the traffic section at Bergen city center police station and was even out at three schools in Bergen city center.

The only thing that was noticed by him, in the form of an oral order, was a child who was not properly secured in the car. The child was driven by a family member.

Apart from the reaction that Heradstveit himself gave, no other unwanted behavior was cracked down on Monday, the traffic manager states.


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