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Unusual Skyrim Encounter: Dragon Throws Mammoth Into the Air

The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim made a huge splash when it released in 2011. These were wonderful times for the gaming community, when we heard interesting and funny stories from Skyrim almost every day. But even now, after so many years, players encounter funny cases.

Recently, one player who decided to dive back into the game shared an unusual encounter on the Skyrim subreddit – a clash between a wandering dragon and a mammoth. In itself, a clash between a mammoth and a dragon is rare, but here something even more unusual happened. This time the dragon decided not to play with his victim and simply picked up the mammoth and threw him into the air.

Dragons in Skyrim have various attacks, and grappling is one of them. However, this is usually only used against smaller enemies, so seeing them try it on a larger opponent is very strange. In the case of the mammoth, he was not at all prepared to handle this situation.

In the post, users also expressed amazement at what happened. User knightsolaire2 said:

This must be the first recorded incident of such an incident since the game’s release! It’s amazing that a decade later people are still finding new things.

However, another user ForgedRaven claimed that he saw this event in the first year of Skyrim’s release near the fields of Whiterun, but received only disbelief from other players. On the other hand, if there is no record, there is no evidence.

This strange event and the attention it received is a good reminder of Skyrim’s longevity. Despite the emergence of newer and more ambitious games in recent years, many players still return to Bethesda’s beloved RPG because it always surprises people with something strange that can be found, especially with the number of ambitious mods that are still being released for games. I even wonder if Starfield will be able to hold out for at least half of this period?

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