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Unrest and Conflict in Sierra Leone: Soldiers Killed and Prisoners Escaped

Unrest and conflict have marked the last few days in the West African country of Sierra Leone.

So far, 13 soldiers and seven civilians have been killed, after what started as a violent attack on Sunday.

– We are hunting everyone who was involved in the violent attack, among the current and retired serving soldiers, says spokesperson for the military, Issa Bangura.

According to the spokesperson, the 13 soldiers must have been among those who were loyal to the military.

On Sunday morning, a weapons warehouse in the capital was attacked by armed men. Police stations and prisons were also targets for the rioters.

A witness told news agency Reuters about ongoing shooting in Freetown.

Armed men in the streets are said to have shouted for a “pure” Sierra Leone, according to the report BBC. The government has put the blame on “renegade soldiers”.

Information Minister Chernoh Bah tells the British broadcaster that the attack on military buildings and prisons is serious.

– These were coordinated and properly planned attacks on the security and welfare of our state, says Bah.

According to BBC correspondent Umaru Fofana, the perpetrators were wearing military uniforms and Finnish caps.

Released prison

Subsequently, the authorities in the West African country introduced a nationwide curfew. The ban on moving outside was lifted later on Sunday.

President Julius Maada Bio said in a speech to the nation on Sunday evening that most of those who had planned the attack on Sunday had been arrested, and that an investigation had been started.

The streets of Freetown were empty on Monday, even though the curfew has been lifted.

Photo: TJ Bade / AP

On Monday, a spokesperson for a prison in Freetown stated that 1,890 inmates had escaped after the riots.

During a two-hour long raid, the perpetrators drove down the gate to the prison. It happened after shooting and the use of rocket launchers were not enough to break down the defences.

Only 23 people have so far been taken back to the prison. The governing authorities have asked them to come back, and want tips from the public about where the inmates are.

Political crisis

Sierra Leone, with its roughly eight million inhabitants, is one of the world’s poorest countries. In 2014 and 2015, the country, together with Guinea and Liberia, was badly hit by an Ebola epidemic that claimed 11,300 lives.

Supporters of President Julius Maada Bio celebrate the walsiger on 27 June.

Photo: TJ Bade / AP

Since the country gained independence from Great Britain in 1961, political unrest has been the norm, as a result of, among other things, corruption. During the civil war between 1991 and 2022, over 50,000 people were killed.

President Julius Maada Bio has been in power since 2018, and began his second presidential term this summer.

In June, he was re-elected with 56.2 percent of the vote.

The mood has been tense in the country since then, as the opposition and international partners such as the United States and the European Union have expressed doubts about the election results.

2023-11-27 22:29:06
#Sierra #Leone #prisoners #escaped #prison

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