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Unregistered Marriage and Tragic Outcome: The Story of P and D in Jakarta

JAKARTA, KOMPAS.com – P, the father who is suspected of killing his own four biological children in Jagakarsa, South Jakarta, admitted that he had not registered his marriage with his wife, D, with the Religious Affairs Office (KUA) or the Population and Civil Registration Service.

P admitted that he had an unregistered marriage with D so he did not have a family card (KK).

P conveyed this confession to Yakob, Head of RT 004 RW 03, Jagakarsa Village, when he was renting in the area about nine months ago.

“It’s me ask for it KTP with P, but he wasn’t given it. The reason is, (P said), ‘I married under the hand’, siri, like that. “So, there is no KK yet,” said Yakob, Wednesday (6/12/2023) evening.

Also read: Chronology of 4 Children Found Dead in Jagakarsa, Starting from a Rotten Smell

As long as P lived in his neighborhood, Yakob did not harbor any suspicions. However, he admitted that P’s family rarely socialized with neighbors.

P, who is known to be a migrant from Aceh, does not have a permanent job. Lastly, P works as a driver.

Meanwhile, D works as a private employee. However, Yakob does not know for sure where D, who is a native of Jagakarsa, works.

“What is clear is that his wife (P) went out in the morning, returned home in the afternoon. The perpetrator also sometimes does that,” said Yakob.

Also read: Father Suspected of Killing 4 Children in Jagakarsa Didn’t Pay His Rent for Months

According to Yakob, only their children often play in the rented yard, namely VA (6), S (4), A (3), and As (1).

Therefore, neighbors interact with their children more often than P and D.

“I often play here (the rented yard). That’s why the neighbors sometimes give me food,” said Yakob.

As previously reported, residents of Gang Haji Roman RT 04 RW 03 Jagakarsa Village, Wednesday afternoon, were disturbed by a strong stench.

After investigation, the smell came from a rented house inhabited by a husband and wife with the initials P and D and their children.

Also read: The mother of four children who died in Jagakarsa vomited blood because her husband abused her

Inside the house, residents and the police found P and D’s four children dead in one of the rooms.

Not only that, P was found lying on his back in the bathroom with an injured arm. A knife that P allegedly used to slash his body was also found nearby.

So far, investigators suspect that P had the heart to end the lives of his own children before committing suicide.

His wife is being treated at Pasar Minggu Regional Hospital. D was treated intensively due to domestic violence committed by P on Saturday (7/12/2023).

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2023-12-07 06:02:00

#father #alleged #murderer #children #Jagakarsa #admits #unregistered #marriage #doesnt #family #card

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