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Unraveling the Mysteries of the Universe: Exploring Dark Matter and the Age of the Universe

PROHABA.CO – The development of science and technology allows experts to solve various mysteries of the universe.

For example, a century ago we could only say that the universe was very old.

There’s no way to find the exact number. Now, thanks to detailed maps showing faint echoes of the Big Bang,

called the cosmic microwave background, we know the universe is 13.82 billion years old.

This is an extraordinary achievement. However, there are still many unsolved puzzles, the following are as quoted from NBC News, Saturday (29/7/2023).

The dark matter of the universe

Nearly a century ago, astronomers were studying distant galaxies and noticed something strange.

Galaxies seem to have much more matter than visible matter (stars and gas clouds) can explain.

This unexplained mass is called dark matter and is now believed to account for more than a quarter of the total mass and energy in the universe.

This is a frequently asked question about the universe is, “what is dark matter?”

Also read: NASA Finds Billions of Hidden Galaxies in the Universe

His best guess from the question is that it consists of some sort of fast-moving particle that barely interacts with the ordinary matter that makes up stars and planets.

Scientists have been searching for the particle for decades without success.

So some people started to wonder if dark matter really exists.

However, the search for particles continues.

2023-08-04 09:48:18
#Biggest #Questions #Universe #Heres #Explanation #Experts

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