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unmasked men, an (unthinkable) truth – Libero Quotidiano

Tracey Cox she is considered a sex specialist. Yet in his latest article published in the Daily Mail has brought down several myths concerning the most private sphere of people. “Many of the things we thought we knew about sex – he wrote – they have no supporting evidence. We take it for granted that they are true simply because we have seen or heard it so many times ”.

Starting from average length of an erect penis. For Cox it is one of the main clichés to be abolished absolutely because it has no truth: the statistic that is often cited is that the erect penis is long. 12.7cm on average. This is nothing more than a hypothesis developed on self-measurement, and therefore probably on an overestimation by many men who participated. In fact, there is no real study on the average size of a man’s penis, since few are willing to have it measured.

As for women, one of the most common clichés is that they take longer to get aroused than men. Tracey Cox also debunked this rumor: “Most people believe that the main function of ‘foreplay’ is to get women aroused and that men don’t need it at all. While it is true that sexual intercourse is more comfortable for women when the vagina expands to make room for the penis, it is equally true that men and women reach the peak of arousal at the same time ”.

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