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United States: the White House snubbed by North Korea?

Friture on the line. According to a US administration official, every time the White House tries to reach Kim Jong-un, the phone rings in the void, as revealed by the news agency Reuters, Sunday March 14, 2021. However, Joe Biden and his teams have implemented “several means of communication since mid-February, including in New York”, according to this official who wished to remain anonymous. But how to settle the tensions between the two countries without dialogue? The news agency recalls in this regard that relations between Washington and Pyongyang are at their lowest. In question, the nuclear weapons and ballistic missile programs developed by Kim Jong-un.

The revelation of the radio silence comes as US Secretary of State Antony Blinken and Defense Minister Lloyd Austin are due to visit Japan and South Korea together next week. If this trip is intended to strengthen alliances with China, the American strategy vis-à-vis North Korea will also be at the heart of the discussions. The Biden administration has so far been cautious in publicly describing its approach to North Korea, saying it is conducting a full political review following former President Donald Trump’s unprecedented engagement with the North Korean leader Kim Jong-un.


And the Biden administration isn’t the only one to have been snubbed by North Korea. It would indeed seem, again according to Reuters, that there has been no real dialogue between the two countries for more than a year, a period which covers the end of Donald Trump’s mandate. Still, a thaw is unlikely: During his election campaign, Joe Biden called Kim Jong-un a “thug” and said he would only meet him “on condition that he agreed. to reduce its nuclear capacity ”. Its US Secretary of State recently raised the possibility of additional sanctions against Pyongyang.

READ ALSOThe DMZ: Trump’s travels in North Korea

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